    Acknowledgements It has been an absolute privilege to have Dr. Jiaxu Chen as my mentor. It was in my sophomore year when Dr. Chen was teaching the course of introduction to linguistics, during which time my passion for linguistics was kindled. 24738
    During the writing, Dr. Chen was patiently giving me advise; from picking topic to designing content. Also, as a supervisor, he paid attention to the very detail of the thesis, from the punctuation to the format.
    I want to dedicate my deepest gratitude to Dr. Chen for his patience, guidance and inspiration. Without his support, finishing the project would have been a mission impossible for me.
    The innate feature of ambiguity in English language has been a hotspot in the field of linguistics. Within the field, the ambiguity in the genre of newspaper headline has been an interesting field to research for the unique wording and odd grammar within the genre. This thesis analyzes some of the unintentional linguistic ambiguity in English newspaper headlines. To be more specific, the focus of the research is on the newspaper headlines with unintentional lexical, syntactic and phonological ambiguity.
    The first part of the thesis, including the first chapter and the second chapter, mainly gives an overview of three types of ambiguity and the common features of newspaper headlines; meanwhile it gives a brief review of the recent researches conducted in this field. Through the overview, readers will gain a basic idea of why newspaper headlines are prone to be ambiguous in an unintentional way.
    The second part is the detailed analysis of cases. The phenomena that contribute to creating the ambiguity are analyzed and pided into three main categories of lexical, syntactic and phonological ambiguity; and the examples are provided and discussed under each category.
    The third part is the conclusion of the paper. In the conclusion, apart from the summary of the chapters before, I suggest the causes of unintentional ambiguity on different levels; meanwhile, I raise my understanding of ambiguity as well.
    This thesis is significant in that it exposes the causes of unintentional ambiguity in newspaper headlines. This research is meaningful for making news readers become more aware of the ambiguous headlines, which will make readers acquire information in a more efficient way.
    Key Words: unintentional ambiguity, headlines, lexical, syntactic, phonological
    摘要英语语言中固有的歧义特点一直是语言学领域中的一个热点。在这个领域中,英语新闻标题的歧义是一个有趣的研究领域,因为英语新闻标题中存在着独特的措辞和与众不同的语法规则。本论文分析了一些英语新闻标题中的语言学歧义现象;更加具体地说,本研究的重点是具有词汇歧义、句法歧义和语音歧义的新闻标题, 这些歧义的产生并非作者有意为之。
    本文的第三部分是本文的结论部分。在此部分中,除了对之前章节的总结之外,我也在不同层面提出了造成意外歧义的原因, 同时,我也提出了自己对歧义的理解。
    Acknowledgements    i
    Abstract    ii
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