    摘 要随着中国经济的迅速发展,越来越多的外国游客来中国观光旅游,旅游业日益受到重视和发展,相应地旅游宣传也日益增多,英译旅游资料成为外国旅游者了解中国的重要手段。本文针对中英旅游资料的差异以及旅游资料的特殊文本功能和翻译原则,从功能对等理论视角来分析旅游景点介绍的汉英翻译,运用恰当的翻译方法来处理旅游资料中的文化信息,以期达到目标语读者与源语读者相对等的反应。本文的研究能够提高翻译质量,实现传播中国文化的功能,对促进国际交流有重要意义。24818
    毕业论文关键词:旅游景点介绍; 功能对等;文化;翻译原则
    With the rapid development of China’s economy, more and more foreign tourists come to China to do business and travel.Accordingly, great importance has been attached to Chinese tourism industry, thus it is undergoing a rapid growth.As the effective medium to publicize China, Chinese-English(C-E) translated tourist materials (TMs) have become more and more important. Being directed against the differences between Chinese and English TMs, and the special text function and translation principles of tourist materials, this paper analyzes the C-E translations of introductions of tourist attractions from the view of functional equivalence (FE) theory. The paper also adopts appropriate translation methods to deal with the cultural information among TMs, so as to get equivalent responses between the source-language readers and the target-language readers. The research of this paper can improve the quality of the transition of TMs, achieve the function of spreading Chinese culture and have great importance in promoting international communication.
    Key words:  introductions of tourist attractions; functional equivalence; culture; translation principles
     Studies on the Chinese-English Translation of Introductions of Tourist Attractions from the Perspective of Functional Equivalence Theory
    摘 要    ii
    Abstract    iii
    I. Introduction    1
    II. Literature Review    2
    2.1 A Brief Introduction to Nida    2
    2.2 Development Process of Functional Equivalence Theory    3
    2.3 The Situation of Recent Research    4
    III. Comparison Between Chinese and English tourist texts    6
    3.1 Cultural Differences Between China and West    6
    3.2  Linguistic Differences Between C/E Tourism Texts    7
    IV. Application of Functional Equivalence in Translations of Scenic Spots    8
    4.1 Linguistics Equivalence in Translations of Scenic Spots Introductions    8
    4.2 Cultural Equivalence in Translations of Scenic Spots Introductions    11
    4.3 Stylistic Equivalence in Translations of Scenic Spots Introductions    13
    4.4 Translation Problems in the Chinese-English Translation of Introductions of Tourist Attractions    14
    V. Conclusion    15
    Bibliography    17
    Acknowledgements    18
    I. Introduction

    Owing to the reform and opening policy and the rise of international exchanges and corporation, especially after China’s entering WTO Chinese tourism developed quickly. Through more than 20 years’ development, tourism has formed its own structure and system, and become one of the fastest growing industries in China. It is playing an increasingly important role in today’s China and contributes much to China’s economic growth. Moreover, this tendency has been great with China’s holding the Beijing 2008 Olympic Games. After holding the 2008 Olympic Games and the 2010 World Expo, more and more foreign tourists regard China as their tourist destination. This is a good opportunity to make the world know more about China. Meantime, that is also a challenge.
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