    Jane Austen is a well-known British novelist of 19 th century, who published six novels in her life. Persuasion is her last novel, which is also regarded as the most mature work. Her view of marriage in this novel differs a lot from her early works. This paper firstly expounds Austen’s view of marriage in her early works, that is, money and status is the basis of marriage, and a happy marriage should be a well- matched one.;then it analyzes Austen’s view of marriage in her later works by taking Persuasion as an example, that is, true love is the basis of marriage but not the money and social status.;finally this paper reveals the causes of changes on Austen’s later view of marriage. Studying changes on Austen’s later view of marriage can make people know more about the social background of that time, and meanwhile Austen’s mature view of marriage can give some enlightenments to modern young people.

    Key words: Persuasion; Austen; view of marriage
    An Analysis of Austen’s Later View of Marriage in Persuasion
    摘 要    i
    Abstract    ii
    I. Introduction    1
    II. Analysis of Austen’s View of Marriage in Her Early Works    2
    2.1 Austen’s View of Marriage in Pride and Prejudice    2
    2.2 Austen’s View of Marriage in Sense and Sensibility    3
    III. Analysis of Austen’s View of Marriage in Persuasion    5
    IV. Causes of Changes on Austen’s Later View of Marriage    8
    4.1 The Secular View of Marriage in Jane Austen’s Time    8
    4.2 Jane Austen’s Own Life Experience    9
    V. Conclusion    10
    Bibliography    13
    Acknowledgements    14
    I. Introduction

    Jane Austen was a realistic writer. All her works focused on love and marriage. Persuasion was Jane Austen’s later works. Based on the interpretation of Austen’s view of marriage in the novel Persuasion, we can understand her later view of marriage better and can also find out the reasons for her outlook changes on love and marriage. Moreover, we can get more profound understanding on the theme of this novel and its realistic significance on marriage.
    Scholars at home and abroad have done some researches on Jane Austen’s outlook on marriage. Gao Huiling thinks that Jane Austen’s outlook on marriage is that love is the foundation of marriage, that is, a marriage without love can’t be happy, so a person shouldn’t get married without love(35). And in Virginia Woolf’s eyes, Jane Austen was the most perfect artist among women. She argues love and the economy are very important, but love is more important, which is the predominant aspect(135). And Yang Yue holds the opinion that Marriage is a combination of economic and social status, so women frequently have to sacrifice their real feelings for the sake of financial security(98).A lecture delivered by A.C. Bradley, a celebrated Shakespearean scholar, at Cambridge is regarded as the starting point for the serious academic approach to Jane Austen. He points out that she is a moralist as well as a humorist, influenced by Doctor Johnson on the one hand (Todd 93).
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