    摘 要标题向来被认为是新闻的“眼睛”和“缩影”,“题好一半文”也足以说明新闻标题的重要性。在浩瀚如烟的信息世界里,标题具有举足轻重的作用。一个好的新颖的标题不仅能够让读者快速地了解新闻的中心内容,还能吸引大量的读者。准确、清楚、简洁是新闻标题的典型特征。本篇论文介绍了英语新闻标题的特点,并结合例子重点分析了英语新闻标题中有关词汇、语法、标点符号和修辞手法方面的翻译方法,以期能够深化读者对英语新闻标题的认识和理解。25051
    摘 要    i
    Abstract    ii
    I. Introduction    1
    II. Translation of Lexical Items and Grammar in English News Headline    2
    2.1 Translation of Lexical Items    2
    2.2 Translation of Grammar    4
    III. Translation of Punctuations in English News Headline    7
    3.1 Comma    7
    3.2 Colon    8
    3.3 Dash    8
    3.4 Quotation Marks    9
    IV. Translation of Rhetorical Devices in English News Headline    10
    4.1 Metaphor    10
    4.2 Pun    11
    4.3 Alliteration    12
    4.4 Allusion    12
    4.5 Metonymy    13
    V. Conclusion    14
    Bibliography    15
    Acknowledgements    16
    The headline has always been regarded as the miniature and eye of the news. The saying “a good headline is half the story” illustrates the importance of the news headline. The headline plays a decisive role in the world of information. A good and innovative headline not only makes readers understand the main content of the news quickly but also attracts a large amount of readers. Accuracy, clarity and brevity are the typical characteristics of the news headline. On the basis of introducing the characteristics of the English news headline, the paper analyzes how to translate English news headline from the aspects of vocabulary, grammar, punctuation and rhetorical device with some examples in the hope of deepening readers’ understanding of English news headline.
    Key words: English news; headline; translation
    Translation of English News Headline
    I. Introduction
    From the ancient ages, human beings have invented quite a few ways such as gestures, picture and special voice to get information. Currently, as the pace of life is increasingly growing fast, people would have a higher request on the way in acquiring the information. News, which comes into being with its rapidity and clarity, meets people’s needs and becomes wide-spread in society.
    From the angle of the news, the headline is a crucial part of news which could summarize the news contents, demonstrate the value of news and attract readers’ attention. As for the newspaper office, the competition of getting more readers begins with the competition of titles. The features of English news headline, that is, accuracy and concision, vividness and shortness, novelty and lifelikeness, which are also the basic principles to edit the headline, are embodied in the selection of vocabulary, grammar, punctuation and rhetorical device in English news headline.
    According to the features of English news headline, the writers are inclined to make use of words which are short and vivid, besides that, omission is frequently used to make the title become concise and brief. Not all kinds of punctuations could appear in the headline. The commonly used ones like comma, colon, dash and quotation marks indicate the specific meanings of the headline. The headline is inclined to produce a striking effect by means of figure of speech and possess other implied information with the usage of the rhetorical device. Therefore, explaining how to understand the usage of rhetorical device and figuring out the implicit meaning of headline are the tasks that the translators should accomplish.
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