摘 要汽车商标是汽车商家宣传和推销汽车的利器,一个好的翻译能为汽车商家带来商机,因此研究汽车商标具有重大意义.目的论认为翻译是一种跨文化行为,一种有目的的互动,翻译目的决定翻译过程,即“目的决定手段”,因此,在汽车商标翻译中,译者应根据文本的预期功能和目的灵活地选择不同的翻译方法。本文以目的论为指导,分析了汽车商标的功能及翻译汽车商标应该考虑的因素,进而提出了汽车商标翻译的原则和方法,以期能实现更好的实现汽车商标翻译目的。25053
毕业论文关键词:汽车商标翻译;目的论; 翻译方法
Automobile trademark is an effective tool for automotive business to publicize and promote their products. A proper translation can bring opportunities for automobile business, so the translation of automobile trademark is of great significance. Skopos theory holds that translation is a cross-cultural behavior, a kind of interaction, the translation purpose justifies the translation procedures, i.e. “the end justifies the means”. Therefore, when translating automobile trademark, the translator should feasibly choose different translation methods according to the target functions and purposes. Guided by the skopotheory, this paper analyzes the functions of automobile trademark should and the factors that should be considered thus the author proposes some translation principles and methods in the hope of achieving the purposes of automobile trademark translation.
Key words: Automobile trademark translation; Skopostheorie; translating methods
Automobile Trademark Translation from the Perspective of Skopostheorie
摘 要 i
Abstract ii
I. Introduction 1
II. Functions of Automobile Trademark 1
2.1 Distinctive Function 2
2.2 Informative Function 2
2.3 Vocative Function 3
2.4 Legal Function 4
III. Skopostheorie Applied to Automobile Trademark Translation 5
3.1 Skopos of Automobile Trademark Translation 5
3.2 Translation Principles 5
3.3 Factors Considered in Automobile Trademark Translation 7
IV. Translation Strategies and Methods of Trademark 8
4.1 Transliteration 8
4.2 Literal Translation 10
4.3 Combination of Transliteration and Literal Translation 11
V. Conclusion 13
Bibliography 15
Acknowledgements 16
I. Introduction
Trademark, commonly known as the “brand” or “brand name”, Its English name trademark, brand name, world intellectual property organization to the trademark is defined as: used to distinguish an industrial or commercial enterprise or the enterprise group, the mark of goods. Its constituent elements are: text, symbols, graphics and their combination. The basic functions of product are identification function, information function and persuade induction function, which induced function is the most basic function, the ultimate purpose of trademark design is to persuade consumers purchasing behavior. Visible, one cannot convince consumers logo design is a failure. Also, if the trademark translation can't achieve the purpose of this is not a successful translation. Therefore, the research of the trademark translation must translate the trademark special purpose, function and theory organically. Research in view of this, this article mainly discusses the application of functionalist translation theory in English-Chinese trademark translation, attempt to provide the feasibility of the trademark translation strategy, can play the role of the author for trademark translation practice. Due to the limitation of space, this article discusses is limited to the change of words in the text the translation of trademark words, trademark voice, in the text, graphics and the transformation of non-verbal symbols is outside the scope of this paper.
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