Boas pointed out those attempts to found the evolution of culture and the cultural development and the attempts for staging cultural model in nineteenth Century are based on inadequate experience and evidence; and every culture has formed its own unique history for so long time that there is no difference in their patterns. These term "Ignorance" and "Barbarism" and "Civilization" only reflect some people’ views of ethnocentrism. These people think that their ways of life are higher than others’. He also put forward that every nation or tribe has its own logic, social ideology, world outlook and morality, and people should not measure other nations with their own sets of standards and there is no measure standard for culture.

After Boas, many cultural anthropologists have analyzed cultural relativism from the perspective of culture and personality development. For example, Ruth Benedict pointed out in the book Cultural Pattern that all kinds of cultures are effective, and both modern culture and primitive culture have the same ability to develop the human potentiality, and it can not be said that modern culture is more advanced than the original culture. Same as culture, the standard of behavior is also relative, an abnormal or pathological behavior in one culture may have a specific value in  another specific cultural system. She cited the following example as circumstantial evidence: Greek regard homosexuality as ideal person; Transvestites have the important status in the state of New Mexico Zuni culture; for the Kuteer people in the island of Vancouver, a very important means to gain honor is to conquer the competitors and completely destroy the opposite side; for the California Indians of the Texas tribe, ecstasy and epilepsy is not a disease, but an important way to obtain power and status.











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