    Abstract With the rapid spreading of the new social media, an increasing number of enterprises began to use microblog as a fast, simple and convenient marketing tool and began to apply to get into it to make sure they would not be out of competition. Many old cosmetic brands should make a transformation as soon as possible in the background of microblog marketing, which is becoming a very important marketing tool.  26268
    This thesis is mainly pided into three parts. The first part analyzes the importance of new media marketing to enterprises. At the same time, this part explains why enterprises should take microblog marketing as an important flat to do the brand communication. In the second part, this thesis has a deep application analysis of microblog marketing from 5T model with the purpose of optimizing microblog marketing effect and enhancing microblog marketing efficiency. From the application results, enterprises can make better use of this new marketing way based on microblog to have a long term development in doing business. In the last part, this thesis takes Pechoin (SPDC) as an example to analyze its success and deficiency based on 5T model when SPDC conducts microblog marketing activities. Meanwhile, this thesis tries to put forward some suggestions on microblog marketing for enterprises’ better development.
    Key Words:  microblog marketing     5T model     SPDC   
    摘  要随着新型社会化媒体微博营销的迅速扩散,微博营销凭借其作为现代最快速及最简便的信息传播工具,吸引了越来越多的企业利用微博作为一种营销手段,纷纷开设符合自身特点的官方微博,以顺应新媒体时代的发展趋势。在微博营销成为一种重要的营销工具的背景下,国内老字号化妆品品牌应该尽快转型。
    毕业论文关键词:微博营销     5T模型     百雀羚
    Abstract    i
    摘 要    ii
    Chapter One Introduction    1
    1.1 Research background    1
    1.2 Significance of Research    2
    1.3 Literature Review    3
    Chapter Two Methodology    5
    Chapter Three Theory and Application Analysis    7
    3.1 Definition of Microblog Marketing    7
    3.2 Microblog Marketing under 5T Model    7
    3.3 Application Analysis of Microblog Marketing    9
    3.3.1 Market Segmentation, Differentiation Positioning    10
    3.3.2 Exploiting Celebrity Charm    11
    3.3.3 Integrating Various Sources    12
    3.3.4 Increasing Consumer-oriented Stickiness    13
    3.3.5 Constant Monitoring    13
    Chapter Four Results and Discussion    15
    4.2 The Successful Point Analysis Based on 5T Model    17
    4.2.1 Classified Topics    17
    4.2.2 Application of Several Tools    20
    4.3 The Deficient Point Analysis Based on 5T Model    21
    4.3.1 Inadequate Talkers    21
    4.3.2 Low Participation    22
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