4.2.1 Famous Idioms and Proverbs
Idioms, such as proverbs and allusions, are the crystallization of human wisdom, the carrier of culture, and the essence of language. Therefore, they are naturally recognized as strong memes, which have stood the test of the time and finally survived. Skillfully using these existing forms, translators can “tamper” part of words. Consistent with the original forms, the new version can build a familiar atmosphere and make the target audience feel cordial, so as to win their trust, and then achieve the expected effect. Such as:
Example 1.The only thing we didn’t improve was the road.( ad of a Japanese car)
This is a Japanese car ad. Its Chinese ad parodied a strong meme from an allusion “万事俱备,只欠东风”. After understanding the information of it, Chinese consumers will feel assured about the quality of the car. And potential consumers can not help but imagine how bold and heroic they will be when driving this car. If the translator directly translated it into “我们唯一没有改进的只是道路”, which will make the effect discounted to establish brand image. It is apparent that both the English ad and the Chinese version contribute to establish band image.
Example 2. How to Fat-Proof Your Child. (PSA--public service advertising)
This is an English PSA slogan, in which “Fat-Proof” is used quite artfully. “Fat-Proof” is deviated from the conventional lexical meaning and structure, which increases the appeal of this word. At this point, the word “Fat-Proof” is compelling, interesting and easy to remember. In addition, “proof” is a suffix commonly used in scientific and technological terms, while “Fat-Proof” must be adapted from “water-proof, bullet-proof, fire-proof, etc”. The Chinese version parodied a Chinese proverb meme “防患于未然” , which alerts people to prepare and prevent the disasters before it comes. “如何使你的小孩防胖于未然” warms people that they should associate “fat” with“患”(means disasters in Chinese), which is quite dangerous to children’s health. Therefore, this Chinese translation really expressed the original meaning and its connotation.
Example 3. 随身携带,有备无患;随身携带,有惊无险。(ad of a heart medicine)
A Friend in Need Is a Friend Indeed.
Primitive advertisement is a Chinese four-character ad which is concise, powerful and catchy. Also, it integrated parallelism with repetition. If directly translated into English, the strap line would violate the principle of simplicity and cannot catch the audience’s attention. This translation is not constrained in the primitive form of language, but borrowed from the household English proverb “ A Friend in Need Is a Friend Indeed”, which could be regarded as a strong meme. The strong meme conveyed the meaning that the heart drugs of this brand are like Hua tuo, who is an ancient well-known doctor, can help to save your life when your heart is in trouble.
Example 4. 食在广州。(ad of famous food in Guangzhou)
East or west, the Guangzhou’s cuisine is the best.
Primitive ad implied that " the Guangzhou’s cuisine is second to none in China”, the aim of which is to highlight the merit of Guangzhou’s cuisine. While the goal of English proverb "East or west, home is the best." is to praise the comfort of home. Both of their intensions are identical. Therefore, relying on the strong meme in this English proverb, the translator substituted “home” for “the Guangzhou’s cuisine”, ultimately calling out an exquisite translation.
- 上一篇:自然主义在《珍妮姑娘》中的体现
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