    Abstract The history of five thousand years of Chinese culture is broad and profound.Translation, as a practical activity, has played an important role in the process of culture inheritance and communication. Recent years, in China, there spring up a number of translators. However, Majority of them pay too much attention to the translation practice but ignore the research of translation theory.Their translation style are very similar to each other. Xu Yuanchong is a famous translator and translation theorist in China.His years of work has made a great contribution to the spread and inheritance of Chinese classical culture .When it comes to translation theory, we all know that Xu put forward a variety of translation theories which are combined with translation practice, It’s of great importance for China translation career. In translation practice, Xu’s translation of Chinese ancient literature especially the classical poetry is unique.He makes it known to the world about the rich Chinese culture. 29364
    This paper makes a research on Xu’s translation of Sheng Shengman . And then, I will give a elaboration and meticulous analysis of Xu’s translation thoughts to explore his unique translation style. In addition to the abstract and conclusion, the first chapter of this paper briefly introduces the structure , research purpose, significance etc. And to grasp the works’ background, emotion etc.. The second chapter is literature review. I will study the present explore situation of the research and lead you to the original text and Mr Xu to grasp the work background and emotion. The third chapter is theoretical framework. I will study Mr. Xu Yuanchong's translation style according to a certain translation. I will also study his translation thoughts, his theory etc. I will elaborate the theory of Beauty in Three Aspect , the Subjectivity of the translator and the Theory of Teleology that reflected in the translation works. The forth chapter will discuss the translation from the three aspects and look at Xu from the perspective of other people and himself. Then, I will give my own objective evaluation.
    【Key word】:Xu Yuan Chong     Sheng Sheng Man     translation style
    摘 要中华上下五千年历史,文化博大精深。翻译,作为一种实践活动,在文化传承与交流的过程中发挥了重要的作用。近年来,中国涌现出大批翻译家,但是,大多数人过于关注翻译实践而忽略了翻译理论的探究,翻译风格大相径庭。许渊冲是中国著名的翻译家、翻译理论家。其多年的翻译工作为中国古典文化的传承与传播做出巨大贡献。在翻译理论方面,许先生结合翻译实践,提出多种翻译理论,为我国的翻译事业添上浓重的一笔。在翻译实践方面,许先生对中国古代文学,特别是古典诗词歌赋的翻译独树一帜,向世界传扬了丰富悠久的中华文化。 
    毕业论文关键词】: 许渊冲     《声声慢》     翻译风格
    Abstract    i
    摘 要    iii
    Contents    1
    Chapter One Introduction    3
    1.1Purpose of the Study    3
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