    Abstract Iresearch data show that in 2014, amount of online business transactions has reached 2.8 trillion yuan with an increase rate of 48.7%, which remains at a high level of growth. According to data of total retail sales of consumer goods in 2014 from NBS, National Bureau of Statistics, the online shopping turnover is roughly equivalent to 10.7% of the total retail sales. And the annual online penetration rate is over 10% for the first time. In the huge network consumer crowd, it is necessary to study factors influencing consumers’ online shopping behavior in the network environment and consumer shopping psychology. The remarkable growth rate of cosmetics online shopping has attracted lots of B2C E-commerce Companies and professional cosmetics E-Business companies to join the market. As a leader in E-Commerce field, JUMEI designs consumers-driven marketing strategies that help them attract their own loyal consumer groups.  29768
    This paper analyses factors influencing consumers’ online shopping and JUMEI’s consumer-driven marketing strategies. Besides, by analyzing the marketing strategies of JUMEI, this paper explores their marketing strategies in advertising, positioning, promotion and communicating. On the basis of defects in JUMEI’s strategies, this paper will give some suggestions for them.
    Key words: Consumer Behavior     Shopping Psychology     Online Shopping Marketing strategy     JUMEI
    摘  要艾瑞咨询数据显示,2014年中国网络购物市场交易规模达到2.8万亿,增长48.7%,仍然文持在较高的增长水平。根据国家统计局2014年全年社会消费品零售总额数据,2014年,网络购物交易额大致相当于社会消费品零售总额的10.7%,年度线上渗透率首次突破10%。面对如此巨大的网络消费人群,研究消费者在网络环境下的购物行为的影响因素和消费者的购物心理非常必要。如此蓬勃发展且潜力巨大的网络购物领域,吸引了大量电商加入。聚美优品作为化妆品电商领域中的领先者,在化妆品业务中有着其独特的营销策略,吸引了大批的网购化妆品消费群体。
    毕业论文关键词:消费者行为     消费心理     网络购物     营销策略     聚美
    Abstract    i
    摘要    ii
    Introduction    1
    Chapter One Factors Influencing Consumers’ Online Shopping Behavior    4
    1.1 Advertising    4
    1.2 Quality of Products    5
    1.3 Low Price    5
    1.4 Service    6
    Chapter Two Consumers-driven Marketing Strategy of JUMEI    8
    2.1 Advertising Strategy of JUMEI    8
    2.2 Positioning Strategy of JUMEI    9
    2.3 Promotion Strategy of JUMEI    10
    2.4 Communicating Strategy of JUMEI    11
    Chapter Three Suggestions for JUMEI’s Marketing Strategies    12
    3.1 Suggestion for Advertising Strategy    12
    3.2 Suggestion for Positioning Strategy    12
    3.3 Suggestion for Promotion Strategy    13
    3.4 Suggestion for Communicating Strategy    13
    Conclusion    15
    References    16
    On the Consumers Online Shopping Behavior and Network Marketing Strategy --- Take JUMEI’s Cosmetic Marketing Strategy as an Example
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