关键词 鲁迅 译者主体性 不通顺翻译
Title A Study of Lu Xun’s Rigid Translation Style from the Perspective of Translator’s Subjectivity
Lu Xun, one of the most outstanding writers and translators in the first half of the 20th century, created his unique rigid translation style with the purpose of introducing vocabularies and grammars of the source language into Chinese. This translation style, marked with his special characteristics and demonstrating his subjectivity, reveals his acceptance of original language and its culture and his advocacy in translation.
This thesis, based on the fact that translators are the creator of the cultures of translation works, analyzes translator’s subjectivity in Lu Xun’s rigid translation style from three aspects, namely subjective initiative, restricts and purposefulness. Indirect translation and re-creation in the process of translation, with the latter directing to the rigid style, are the main elements that reveal Lu Xun’s subjective initiative. Restricts and limitations in his rigid translation style could be summarized as the incomprehensibility of his translation works and his purposefulness, regarding his translation as a purposeful activity, provides an insight to his cultural intention by using rigid translation.
Keywords Lu Xun Translator’s Subjectivity Rigid Translation Style
Table of Contents
1 Introduction 1
2 Literature Review 3
2.1 Historical Review of Translator’s Subjectivity 3
2.2 Previous Studies on Lu Xun’s Translation Activities 4
3 Subjectivity in Lu Xun’s Rigid Translation Style 6
3.1 Subjective Initiative in Lu Xun’s Translation 6
3.2 Restricts in Lu Xun’s Translation 7
3.3 Purposefulness in Lu Xun’s Translation 9
Conclusion 11
Acknowledgments 12
References 13
1 Introduction
Lu Xun was the pen name of Zhou Shuren (1881-1936), one of the leading figures in the modern Chinese literary history and the head of the League of Left-Wing Writers in Shanghai in the 1930s. Writing in both Vernacular Chinese and Classical Chinese, he was a literary critic, editor, novelist, essayist, translator, and poet who was primarily a liberal and a leftist and had significant influence during and after the May Fourth Movement. Lu Xun’s translation career, which shined upon the path of the modernization process of China, began from the year 1903 when he was studying aboard in Japan and lasted until the last day of his life. During Lu Xun’s translation period, traditional Chinese language and culture struggled in the collision of Chinese and Western cultures and introducing foreign culture and literature into China became his translation target in his late translation stage. Baring this purpose in his mind, Lu Xun formed his unique translation style, rigid translation, which, with the general social background, enlightened other translators and the public and promoted the liberalization process of his motherland to some extent (Liu, 2004).
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