    Acknowledgments  I have gained a lot during several months of writing the paper with painstaking efforts. It is joyful to discuss with the thesis adviser and those who give me suggestions about the paper, which makes me have more profound understanding of the novel. Also, I have met some troubles and difficulties, so I would like to thank the following people for their dedication and contribution. I can not finish the paper successfully without their warm-hearted help. 32042
    My profound gratitude first goes to Mrs.Yu Jing, my supervisor, who has generously shared her inspirational and provocative ideas during many of our face-to-face discussion sessions. She gives me the guidance and help as much as she can, and does modification for my paper with careful and professional attitude. Also I would like to show my gratitude to the scholars who focus on the post-colonialism and Twelve Years a Slave. I gained much inspiration and assistance from them and their works.
    I am also deeply indebted to my teachers and professors at the School of Foreign Languages, who have instructed me a lot during the college years.
    Under cultural globalization in today’s world, many nations share their unique national cultures with the world. For the black, a group that can not be ignored in American culture, ethnic problem inherited from the long history is one of the hot points that people focus on.
    Though the black’s social position has changed a lot, there still exists racial discrimination and many social problems. The essay focuses on an autobiographical novel Twelve Years a Slave written by a free black man Solomon Northup to describe the black statement. Kidnapped, the free black man became a slave for twelve years. The film adapted from it won the Oscar Academy Award in 2014.
    The essay analyzes the the black’s culture inferiority, mental distortion and victimization of black woman under the postcolonial perspective, and observes the historical and cultural reasons in order to raise the social attention.
    Key Words: Twelve Years a Slave, black, Postcolonial study
    Acknowledgments     i
    Abstract    ii
    摘要.    iii
    1 Introduction.    1
    2 Postcolonialism     3
    2.1 Postcolonial Theory    4
    2.2 Postcolonialism in Literature.     4   
    3 Loss of Black’ s Subjectivity under Multiple Suppression     6
    3.1 Culture Inferiority    6
    3.2 Mental Distortion    9
    3.3 Victimization of Black Women. 10
    4 Multifaced Social Problems with Black Community     13
    4.1 Historical Reason    13
    4.2 Economic and Mental Problem    14
    5 Conclusion    16
    Bibliography.    17
    1 Introduction
    Solomon Northup was an American abolitionist and the primary author of the memoir Twelve Years a Slave. A free-born African American from New York, he was the son of a freed slave and free woman of color. Northup held various jobs, including working as a rafts man.
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