    摘要不礼貌话语常被人们认为是交际失败的产物,无论在现实生活还是在文学作品中,不礼貌现象都普遍存在,并发挥着它独特的作用,因而对不礼貌言语行为的研究具有广泛的现实意义和文化内涵。本文以莫言小说《丰乳肥臀》为语料,运用 Culpeper 的规约化与非规约化不礼貌理论,对小说文本中的不礼貌话语进行具体的分析研究,探讨了小说中的人物是如何通过话语构建各自的身份和性格特征,以期为研究文学文本找到一个新的角度。32287
    毕业论文关键词 不礼貌 规约化程式 非规约化程式
    Title A Study of the Impolite Speech Acts in Mo Yan’sBig Breasts and Wide Hips
    Abstract Impoliteness,often known as a failure in communication, is an widespread phenomenon, nomatter in the real world or in the literature works. Since its function is unique, the research ofimpolite speech acts is of broad significance and culture connotations. This paper based uponthe conventionalised impoliteness and non-conventionalised impoliteness theory, analyzes theimpolite speeach acts in Mo Yan’ s Big Breasts and Wide Hips. Through study of speech acts inthe book, this paper finds out the way that the roles structure their identities and characteristics.At last, the paper expects to study literature works from a new perspective.
    Keywords impoliteness conventionalised formulae non-conventionalised formulae
    Table of Contents
    1 Introduction1
    1.1 Significance of the study.1
    1.2 Organization of the thesis.. 1
    2 Literature Review2
    2.1 Politeness and impoliteness.. 2
    2.2 Studies on impoliteness abroad3
    2.3 Studies on impoliteness in China3
    2.4 Big Breasts and Wide Hips by Mo Yan4
    3 Theoretical Framework5
    3.1 The definition of impoliteness. 5
    3.2 Conventionalised impoliteness 5
    3.3 Non-conventionalised impoliteness..7
    4 Analysis of Big Breasts and Wide Hips 10
    4.1 The realizations of conventionalised impoliteness. 10
    4.2 The realizations of non-conventionalised impoliteness15
    Conclusion.. 18
    Table 3.2 Nine types of conventionalised impoliteness formulae in English concluded by
    Table 3.2 Violation of Cooperative Principle and means of impoliteness8
    Table 4.1 Results of conventionalised impoliteness formulae used by the roles..14
    Table 4.2 Results of non-conventionalised impoliteness formulae used by the roles.17
    1 Introduction
    1.1 Significance of the studySince Culpeper proposed a impoliteness framework in 1996, a great number of scholars cometo realize the importance of impoliteness and the imbalance between politeness and impoliteness.So more papers begin to pay more attention to the study of impoliteness. Rare research has focusedon the application of impoliteness strategy, thus many theories need to be tested. So this paperemploys the impoliteness theory proposed by Culpeper(2011) by taking Mo Yan’s Big Breasts andWide Hips as object.1.2 Organization of the thesisThe thesis focuses on several questions:(1) how does conventionalised andnon-conventionalised impoliteness formulae be used in the speech acts in the novel? (2) what areliterary functions of conventionalised and non-conventionalised impoliteness formulae? (3) whatare the differences between female and male impolitness ?This paper contains five chapters. The first chapter introduces the significance andorganization of the thesis.Chapter 2 is the literature review, including the previous studies of politeness and impoliteness,studies on impoliteness both on abroad and in China and the brief introduction and previousresearches of Big Breasts and Wide Hips.The third chapter provides the theoretical framework. The definition of impoliteness, theconventionalised impoliteness formulae and non-conventionalised impoliteness phenomena arediscussed subsequently.Based on Culpeper’s impoliteness model, the fourth chapter analyzes five realizations of theconventionalised impoliteness formulae and two realizations of on-conventionalised impolitenessformulae with examples founded in Big Breasts and Wide Hips.The conclusion in chapter 5 is which summarizes the main findings and notes the limitations ofthis paper and direction to future study.
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