    Acknowledgments My deepest gratitude goes first and foremost to Professor Xia, my supervisor, for her constant encouragement and guidance. She has walked me through all the stages of the writing of this thesis. Without her consistent and illuminating instruction, this thesis could not have reached its present form.32586
    I would like to express my heartfelt gratitude to the teachers who have ever taught me throughout my college years, especially Yuan Bin, my English teacher. Her profound knowledge of western cultures led me into the world of culture, and also inspired me to make efforts in English learning. I am also very grateful to all other teachers of the School of Foreign Languages who gave me direct or indirect help during my study in the college.
    I am also grateful to my classmates and roommates for their encouragement, support, comments and wise advice.
    Last, I wish to devote this paper to my parents for their everlasting dedication that they have shown since I was just a little child.
    Human beings cannot live without diet. Although we call it the same name, actually they have lots of differences. The diet of the east and the west has become a culture with its own personality. This paper emphasizes the differences of dietary culture between China and America. Different concept, different content, different etiquette and different dinnerware in dietary culture tell you about different diet culture. Cultural Differences are reflected by the Differences between Chinese and American dietary Cultures. For example, Chinese are more collectivism-oriented while Americans are more inpidualism. Chinese are more emotionally driven while Americans tend to be rational. Besides, this paper analyzes the implications of the strong points in American dietary culture,which can be learned by Chinese such as extravagant occasions and etiquette, blind pursuit of healthy eating and food safety issues. It draws a conclusion that there are lots of dietary problems and food safety problems in China. It can make people deeply realize the existence of the dietary problems. People can take actions to correct problems. Moreover,the charm of diet culture can be greatly appreciated.
    Key words: Chinese and western culture, the western diet, dietary differences
    摘要人类的生存离不开食物,尽管我们都叫它同样的名字,但它却存在着很大的差异,东西方的饮食文化已经有他们自己的特性。本篇文章着重强调中美饮食文化的差异。饮食文化中不同的观念,不同的内容,不同的礼节,不同的餐具告诉你不同的饮食文化。不同的饮食文化反应了文化差异,比如中国更注重集体主义而美国 更注重个人主义文化。中国人崇尚感性主义而美国人更崇尚理性主义。此外,本文分析影响中国人民的饮食文化比较,比如中国的奢华的场合和礼节。总结出了了中国的盲目追逐养生的问题和存在的一些食品安全问题,让人们深度理解到饮食问题的存在。人们可以采取正确的行为解决问题。此外,我们还能了解许多关于饮食文化的魅力,被饮食文化大大的吸引。
    毕业论文关键词:中西饮食文化 饮食特点 饮食方式差异
    摘要 ..iii
    1. Introduction 1
    2. Differences in Dietary Cultures between China and America.2
    2.1   Differences in Diet Concept..2
    2.2   Differences in Diet Content.4
    2.3   Differences in Diet Etiquette..5
    2.4   Differences in Diet Dinnerware.7
    3.Cultural Differences Reflected by different dietary cultures…………………..10
    3.1 Ostentation vs. Simplicity10
    3.2 Emotionalism vs. Rationalism..12
    3.3 Collectivism vs. Inpidualism.14
    4. Implications of the dietary Cultural Comparison to Chinese people.16
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