    摘 要英语歌曲是一种特殊的语言学习材料。英语歌曲因其娱乐性被广泛应用到英语教学过程中,并受到学生的喜爱。本文主要探讨了英语歌曲在初中英语“五环大课堂”教学模式中的作用,并用文献分析法、实验分析法等研究方法对选题进行研究。其结论显示: 英语歌曲能够激发学生的学习动机,提高学生的学习兴趣。希望本文能对英语教学提供一些受学生欢迎并行之有效的教学方法。32886
    Abstract English songs are a kind of special language learning materials. Because of its entertainment characteristics, English songs have been widely applied to the process of English teaching, and become more and more popular in students. By using document analysis method and experiment method, this paper mainly discusses the role of English songs in “the five steps in English class” in junior middle school. After the case study, the conclusion is drawn that the English songs can stimulate students’ learning motivation, improve students’ interest. The author hopes that the paper can provide some effective and popular ways in English class in junior middle school.
     Key words: English songs; the five steps in English class; English class in junior middle school; learning motivation
    The Functions of English Songs in “the Five Steps in English Class” in Junior Middle School
    摘 要    i
    Abstract    ii
    I. Introduction    1
    II. Brief Introduction to English Songs and “the Five Steps in English Class”    2
     2.1 The Functions of English Songs in English Class in Junior Middle School    2
      2.1.1 The Characteristics of Junior Middle School Students    2
      2.1.2 Advantage of English Songs in Junior Middle School’s English Class    2
      2.1.3 The Using of English Songs Meets the Characteristics of Junior Middle School Students    3
     2.2 The Introduction to “the Five Steps in English Class”    3
      2.2.1 Background of “the Five Steps in English Class”    3
      2.2.2 Advantage of “the Five Steps in English Class”    4
    III. The Functions of English Songs in “the Five Steps in English Class” in Junior Middle School    4
     3.1 The First Step: Lead-in with Passion; Set a Goal of this Class    4
     3.2 The Second Step: Self-learning and Cooperation Inquiry by Students    5
     3.3 The Third Step: Students Display Question; Teacher Shows How to Do    6
      3.3.1 Question Method    6
      3.3.2 Teacher Shows How to Do    6
      3.3.3 The English Songs’ Function in this Step    7
     3.4 The Fourth Step: Do the Exercises to Expand and Improve    7
      3.4.1 Background of Practice and Review    7
      3.4.2 The Advantages of English Songs in Step    8
     3.5 The Fifth Step: Sum up, Return Target    9
     Ⅳ. A Case Study During Internship    10
     4.1 Purpose of the Case Study    10
     4.2The Experiment Subject    10
    Ⅴ. Conclusion    12
    Bibliography    13
    Acknowledgements    14
    Ⅰ. Introduction
    English songs used in the classroom can be traced back to 1949. Music is one of mankind’s most ancient arts. People understand the role of music and enjoy the entertainment. But in fact, in addition, the music can be used to entertainment, there are many other aspects of the application. In fact, back in ancient times, music has assumed the recorded history, the role of imparting knowledge. In modern society, music has more and more advantages: health treatment, learning and improving the effectiveness and coordination of communication and so on. Scientists even use music to promote plant growth.
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