
    The Pickwick Papers is Dickens’ first novel, and it has been praised as one of the greatest novels in English history. Written in a comic style, this novel is mainly about the experiences that famous scholar Mr. Pickwick and his three friends encounter in their trips around the England. It fully describes the social life and customs in urban and rural England and is used as a weapon by Dickens to expose and satirize the temporal English parliament, election, law system, prison management, etc, which has paved the way for the development of English critical realistic literature.

    Agnes Heller and The Immortal Comedy: The Comic Phenomenon in Art, Literature, and Life
    Agnes Heller is an important representative of new Marxism in Eastern Europe, and she is also the core leader and spokesman of Budapest School. She has contributed and achieved a lot in theories of everyday life criticism, history, modernity, aesthetics and human’s needs and instincts. Her book The Immortal Comedy: The Comic Phenomenon in Art, Literature, and Life published in 2005 has been the first attempt to study comic experience from the angle of philosophy, which concludes truths from specific comic experience and endows new philosophical meaning to comedy. In this book, Heller analyzes a large quantity of comedy works from Aristophanes till now, involving novels, dramas, paintings, movies and many other comic achievements. Based on the theories proposed by predecessors, Heller puts forward her unique comic thoughts, which has pushed the study of comedy from the edge of philosophical reflection to the center.
  1. 上一篇:从“吸血鬼热”探析中国大学生思维方式的转变
  2. 下一篇:文化差异对跨文化商务谈判及其策略的影响
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