    摘要以高密为故事背景的《红高粱家族》发表于1986年,为作者莫言奠定了在中国当代文坛的地位,也为他赢得了全球声誉。不少学者指出,莫言赢得2012年诺贝尔文学奖,译者功不可没, Howard Goldblatt(葛浩文)作为英译者更是可赞可嘉。原著中关于民俗的描写对读者有着强烈的吸引力及特殊的价值,以《红高梁家族》英译本为对象,本文试图研究其中的民俗翻译。本文在框架语义学的理论指导下,通过比较原文与译文,具体探讨框架重构在民俗文化翻译的应用,并提出四种框架重构方式,即成分更换、成分移植、层次调整及框架数量调整,希望对现有的民俗英译实践有所补充。33138
    关键词  框架  民俗翻译  重构方式  红高粱家族
    毕业论文 外 文 摘 要
    Title    Frame Reconstruction in Translation of Folklore in Red Sorghum
    Red Sorghum, a Gaomi-based story published first in 1986, establishes Mo’s position in domestic literature circle and earns him international reputation. Mo’s success in winning the 2012 Nobel Prize in Literate is partly attributed to his translators, especially to the English translator Howard Goldblatt. This study focuses on the translation of folklore that is splendidly captured in Red Sorghum and holds great appeal and value to the reader. By applying frame semantics to the translation of folklore, this paper aims to exemplify the benefits of frame construction in cultural translation. In all, this paper generalized four reconstruction approaches i.e., elements replacement, elements transplant, level relocating and frame number adjustment, from comparing ST (source text) with TT (targeted text) examples to illustrate how these approaches help to overcome the problems posed by local folklore elements when translated into English. 
    Keywords  frames  folklore translation  reconstruction  Red Sorghum
    Table of Contents
    1  Introduction    1
    2  Literature review    3
    2.1  Goldblatt’s version of Red Sorghum    3
    2.2  Folklore translation    3
    3  Frames    6
    3.1  Definition of frames    6
    3.2  Frame elements    6
    3.3  Features of frames    7
    4  Frame reconstruction in translation    10
    4.1  Frame-based equivalence    10
    4.2  Frame reconstruction    11
    5  Frame reconstruction in translation of folklore in Red Sorghum    13
    5.1  Elements replacement    13
    5.2  Elements transplant    14
    5.3  Level relocating    16
    5.4  Frame number adjustment    18
    5.5  Summary    20
    Conclusion    22
    Acknowledgements    23
    References    24
    1 Introduction
    Mo Yan, the first Chinese writer that has ever been awarded the Nobel Prize for Literature, finds inspiration in his hometown, Gaomi, Shandong. It is a great source of inspiration to him as he complimented “If there is a starting point for my stories, it is from Northeast Gaomi Township, which, of course, is where my life starts too”(Mo, 2004, p. 345). Red Sorghum, a Gaomi-based story published first in 1986, receives great critical acclaim and establishes Mo’s position in domestic literature circle. Although the “Northeast Gaomi Township” in the novel is not so realistically identical with the actual town (Sun, 2014), a great deal of its local color is captured in the story. Zhang Qinghua argues that literature work gain wide recognition and significance from their excellence either in holding great universal value or in introducing enormous local culture and experience (Zhang, 2007). Gaomi folklore in Red Sorghum, no doubt, holds such appeal and value to the academic community as well as the reader.
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