    Abstract Wei Cheng is one of the classics written by Qian Zhongshu and the protagonist in the novel is Fang Hung-chien. There are a lot of metaphors and similes. Qian Zhongshu used those metaphors and similes to portray characters vividly and help readers understand feelings of being trapped. So, it means a lot if translators appropriately reproduce or reformulate metaphors and similes in Wei Cheng. Its English version, Fortress Besieged, translated by Nathan K.Mao and Jeanne Kelly has drawn attention worldwide and got both praise and criticism.
    This paper aims at comparing Wei Cheng and its English version Fortress Besieged in terms of communicative effect by applying the theory of relevance in the translation of similes and metaphors. This paper begins with the significance of studying the translation of Wei Cheng; next it makes a survey of current research situation; and then it explains by example how the relevance theory can be used to explain translation practice; at last the paper ends with the conclusion that Jeanne Kelly and Nathan K. Mao have successfully maintained the original’s relevance,  relevance theory contributes its share to translation practice and can solve some problems caused by different contextual assumptions.33835
    Key Words:  Translation     Wei Cheng     Relevance
     摘 要《围城》是我国学贯中西的著名学者钱钟书的一部著作,围绕主人公方鸿渐展开。书中富含大量奇妙的比喻,正是这些奇妙的比喻将书中人物塑造的分外丰满,也让读者充分理解了在围城中的感受。因此,是否贴切地翻译了钱钟书中的明喻和暗喻构成了《围城》翻译的很大一个难点。它的译本——由珍尼•凯利(Jeanne Kelly)和茅国权(Nathan K. Mao)合作完成,受到了广大关注,收获褒奖的同时也受到了一些学者的批评。
    毕业论文关键词:翻译     《围城》     关联
    Abstract    i
    摘要    ii
    Chapter One Introduction    1
    1.1 Brief Introduction to Wei Cheng    1
    1.2 Significance of the Research    2
    1.3 Structure of the Paper    3
    Chapter Two Literature Review    4
    Chapter Three Theoretical Framework    6
    3.1 Relevance Theory and its Development    6
    3.2.1 Studies Overseas    8
    3.2.2 Studies in China    8
    3.3 Limitations of Current Studies    9
    Chapter Four Results and Analysis    10
    Chapter Five Conclusion    17
    References    20
    On the Translation of the Metaphors and Similes in Fortress Besieged

    Chapter One Introduction
    1.1 Brief Introduction to Wei Cheng
    As is known to us all, Wei Cheng is one of the classics written by Qian Zhongshu, who is quite famous as a writer. Wei Cheng is published in 1947, and is widely regarded as one of the masterpieces of Chinese literature in 20th century. Its English version Fortress Besieged was translated by Nathan K. Mao and Jeanne Kelly in 1979.
     The novel told us a humorous story which happened to middle-class Chinese in the late 1930s. Wei Cheng can be parted into 4 parts: The first part is Chapter 1 to Chapter 4. It starts from a bumbling everyman-- Fang Hung-chien, who took a ship home from abroad and on that ship Fang courts two young ladies and ended with the conclusion that Fang and his friends decide to be professors of San Lu University. The second part is Chapter 5. It mainly tells us troubles and obstacles Fang and his friends met on the way to the university. The third part is Chapter 6 to chapter 7. It deeply shows how sham and hypocritical those scholars are. The fourth part is Chapter 8 to Chapter 9 and it pictures Fang and his wife’s life in detail and how they ended in porce.
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