

    1 Introduction    1

    2 Concepts    4
    2.1 The Concept of Translation    4
    2.2 The Concept of Functional Equivalence Theory    5
    2.3 The Concept of Chinese Fresh Words.    .6

    3 The Importance and Difficulty of the Translation of Chinese Fresh Words    7
    3.1 Difficulty of the Translation    7
    3.2 Importance of the Translation    8

    4 Translation Methods Based on Functional Equivalence Theory    11
    4.1 Literal Translation Method    11
    4.2 Literal Translation plus Annotation Method    12
    4.3 Free Translation Method    13
    4.4Transliteration Method . 13
    5 Conclusion    15
    1 Introduction
    Nowadays, with the development of globalization, the mass communication is playing a more and more important part in culture exchange. Among all the mass communication ways, the most basic one is “word”. Almost all the sentences, not only writing, but speaking, are consisted by words. Computer and Internet now has already become one part of our life, which is irreplaceable to most people. Communication is also important in Internet world. Then, some fresh Internet words were born to use in online communication. Especially these words are popular among “Fresh-rising People” who like new things and have great study ability to learn all the things that they have not seen before. Since the saying goes that “existence is reasonable”, these Chinese fresh words are used by young people and gradually grown up, even made more and more people from all over the world know them. All the foreigners know that Asia language is complicated for them to learn, Chinese is even harder than Japanese. To make people from other countries know the depth of our Chinese language, how to translate these Chinese fresh new words become very important. Hence, translation of Chinese fresh words has become a new area in translation practice, playing an essential role in the cross- cultural communication. The research of translation of Chinese fresh words has great significance to the international communication and language development.

    Firstly, studies provide theoretical guidance for translation of Chinese fresh words. Same as translation, translation of Chinese fresh words requires theoretical guidance. Translation of Chinese fresh words is different from other traditional translation with its own unique characteristics. Not too many dominant theories have been applied in Chinese fresh words’ translation field at present. In China, faced at this austere situation, the translation of Chinese fresh words actually needs some useful theoretical guidance.

    Secondly, studies on Chinese fresh words’ translation can promote the development of the international communication. With the deepening of reform and opening up to the world, more and more Chinese words and sentences are delivered to western countries and become popular among some foreigners who are not only in china but also live in their home countries. Even some foreign news report may use Chinese fresh words. And some dictionary has already collected these Chinese fresh words. These spread and literature organization are playing an important role in international communication and cross-culture communication. Especially due to the development of the Internet, 
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