
    Since China’s reform and opening up, along with the deepening communication of the international China with others, more and more Chinese place names was translated. Spelling Chinese place names in Chinese pinyin, not only the unity of the Chinese standard, but also the international standard, and must be complied with all over the world. If non-standard place name translation, it will bring inconvenience to our daily life and international communication.
    But the study of geography has the characteristics of regional and dynamic which due to place names appear in the journal of geography frequently; however, with the influence of history, politics, society, language, and many other factors, geography journal Chinese place names in English expression are not unified, nor specified. This phenomenon may affect readers in reading and understanding international academic exchanges, and even political problems are raised, which must attract our highly attention. Some scholars have studied place names from different perspectives in journal in English to express the characteristics, problems and strategies of translation.
  1. 上一篇:浅析英汉语言中的性别歧视现象
  2. 下一篇:君子理念与绅士文化对中英教育的影响
  1. 弗洛伊德人格理论角度解...

  2. 中国古代官服颜色与权力等级

  3. 民族文化身份的瓦解与重...

  4. 从接受理论看译者主体性...

  5. 从目的论看电影名称的翻译

  6. 目的论视域下习语的英汉翻译

  7. 论间接言语的使用与礼貌交际

  8. 聚苯乙烯微孔材料的制备及性能研究

  9. 女人40岁考什么证比較好,...

  10. 女生现茬學什么技术前景...

  11. 破碎机的文献综述及参考文献

  12. 大型工程项目的环境影响评价研究

  13. 主动配电系统能量优化调度模型研究现状

  14. 美容學校排行榜前十名,...

  15. 螺旋桨砂型铸造工艺研究现状

  16. 基于AHP的保险业市场竞争力评价方法的研究

  17. 海门市东洲公园植物配置调查




