    Acknowledgments As the final assessment of my four-year study at Shanghai Institute of Technology, this thesis is contributed to a lot of people. I would like to take this opportunity to extend my sincere thankfulness to them.35812
    My thanks first go to the supervisor of this paper, Associate Professor. Yuan. During the eight-month journey of putting together the whole thesis, I have been benefiting from her inspiring guidance for my subject selection as well as her patient revisions to this thesis. The completion would not be made if without her constructive and insightful suggestions.
    Meanwhile, I would like to express my gratitude towards the setting of various courses that give me practical language training and enrich my comprehension of language application, among which are Translation, Advanced English, Literature and others, to name just a few.
    Abstract With western culture orientation prevailing, China is seeking for cultural-led acceptance. Since film is appearing as the most beloved massive entertainment, it can be taken as a perfect platform for culture diffusion.
    As the most popular eastern movie theme, Chinese Kung Fu tops on the list of culture diffusion. In this process, differences between Chinese culture and English culture make the direct translation impossible, which require translators to reproduce a culture that is understandable to receptors and meanwhile, conveys the meaning of the original text.
    Culture differences also lead to difficult determinations of translation. These hard decisions, along with constraints of subtitling, are the largest barrier for translators in culture reproduction. To provide other-language-speaking audience with the unique Chinese culture, a proper translation of the film subtitle is urgently needed. During the process of culture reproduction, however, parameters hinder the audience from accepting Chinese culture. In order to achieve an optimal effect for culture reproduction, analysis of these parameters shall be made. With the perspective of relevance theory, this thesis takes the subtitle translation of film the Grandmaster as corpus, exploring how Chinese culture is reproduced by several strategies.
    Key Words: relevance theory, subtitle translation, culture reproduction
    摘要 在全球西方文化强势的今天,中国也在寻求文化认同。当电影逐渐成为最为大众所热爱的娱乐项目,它也顺理成章地成为文化传播的绝佳平台。
    Acknowledgements    i
    Abstract    ii
    摘要    iii
    1 Introduction    1
    1.1 Research Background    1
    1.2 Methodology    2
    1.3 Thesis Structure    3
    2 Literature Review    4
    2.1 Subtitle Translation    4
    2.2 A Relevance-Theoretic Approach Applied to Subtitle Translation    5
    3 Culture Reproduction in Subtitle Translation    6
    3.1 Cultural Elements    6
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