    摘 要对于个人和国家,梦想都至关重要。它为个人追求幸福生活提供强大动力,也是一个国家实现强国梦的动力源泉。近些年来,越来越多的人在探究中国梦和美国梦的异同。本文采用历史观批评和解结构批评的研究方法,从内涵、文化背景、核心价值、实现途径、发展前景和影响等方面分析了两者的不同。同时归纳了两者的相同点,如都体现了两国人民对美好事物的向往与追求,均对国家发展起到了积极的推动作用,都需要人们的勤奋努力方能实现。通过分析两者的异同,我们看到了美国梦的优点,更认识到中国梦的不足。希望本文能帮助人们吸取美国梦的精华,从而更快更好的实现中国梦和中华民族的伟大复兴。36169
    Abstract Dream is significant for both an inpidual and a nation. It is the motive power for the inpidual to pursuit happy life and for the nation to become stronger. Nowadays more and more people pay attention to the comparison between Chinese and American dreams. This paper elaborates their differences from the connotation, cultural background, central values, approaches of achieving them, prospects and effects by means of historical criticism and deconstruction criticism. Meanwhile, it also expounds the similarities that they both reflect people’s pursuit of wonderful things, play a positive role in promoting social development and need their people to work hard. By comparison, advantages of American dream and weaknesses of Chinese dream are found. Hopefully this paper will help people to capture the essence of American dream and to realize our Chinese dream faster and better and achieve the great reunification of Chinese nation.
    Key words: Chinese dream; American dream; differences; similarities; enlightenment  
    Comparative Study of Chinese and American Dreams and its Enlightenment
    摘 要    i
    Abstract    ii
    I. Introduction    1
    II. Differences Between Chinese and American Dreams    2
     2.1 Connotation of Two Dreams    2
     2.2 Cultural Background of Two Dreams    4
     2.3 Central Values of Two Dreams    4
     2.4 Approaches of Achieving Two Dreams    5
     2.5 Prospects of Two Dreams    5
     2.6 Effects of Two Dreams    6
    III. Similarities Between Chinese and American Dreams    6
     3.1 Both Reflecting the Pursuit of Wonderful Things    6
     3.2 Both Playing a Positive Role in Promoting Social Development    7
     3.3 Both Including Hard Work and Down-to-earth Effort in Achieving the Dream    7
    IV. Enlightenment to Chinese Development    8
     4.1 Constructing Institutional Security and Supplying Effective Policy Support    9
     4.2 Providing Equal and Just Social Environment for People    9
     4.3 Keeping the Social Class Flowing    10
     4.4 Respecting the Dream and Pursuit of the Inpidual    10
     4.5 Making Full Use of International Human Resources and Mass Media    11
     4.6 Promoting Coordinated Development of National Hard Power and Soft Power    12
    V. Conclusion    13
    Bibliography    15
    Acknowledgements    16
    I.    Introduction
    As we all know, China has developed quickly and become more and more strong after the reform and opening-up. However, there are some social problems which due to false values and go against the national spirit and national all-around development. Therefore, our leaders put forward the slogan “Chinese dream” to encourage our people unite as one and realize our national prosperous and strong. We find that Chinese dream is a term similar with American dream. A lot of scholars devote themselves to the analysis of Chinese and American dreams. As Geng Liangliang puts it in his article, On the Differences and Similarities between American Dream and Chinese Dream, “American dream was rooted in American specific historic culture, especially immigrant culture. While Chinese dream came into being after the broken of another Chinese dream” (10). Another Chinese scholar Shi Yuzhi in his writing Seven Main Features about Chinese Dream Differ from American Dream expresses that “Chinese dream is the dream of prosperous and strong nation, while American dream is the dream of inpidual affluence; Chinese dream depends on the power of people, while American dream relies on the publicizing of inpiduality” (41). However, there is something similar between Chinese and American dreams. Chen Yao in her writing The Analysis of American Dream and Differences with Chinese Dream writes that “there is no doubt that Chinese dream and American dream express the people of two great powers pursue happy life and excellent future, which are the similarities of both” (15). This paper will elaborate three main aspects: differences, similarities of two dreams, and benefits that we could get from American dream. Differences will be explained mainly from six aspects, including connotations, cultural backgrounds, central values, approaches of achieving them, prospects and effects. Similarities will be expanded from human thoughts and life pursuit. In the end, it makes a conclusion to point out the enlightenment for the development of China.
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