    关键词  翻译美学  美学理论  美学处理   对比分析
    毕 业 论 文 外 文 摘 要
    Title         Aesthetic Incarnation in Chinese Version of    The Kite Runner                                             
    It is an unavoidable requirement that translation, as an intercultural activity, must unite aesthetics due to history tendency and entire development in culture. This thesis mainly contains two parts: Mao Ronggui, Fu Zhongxuan and other people’s elaboration on translation aesthetics theory; the other part is concrete examples analysis which has applied aesthetic processing in Chinese version of The Kite Runner. This thesis pays more attention to concrete analysis of various examples, and through the process of comparing original work with its Chinese version elaborates from the angles of phonetic level, lexical level, syntactic level and artistic conception level. It endeavors to combine theory with grounds, aiming to understand specific and positive influence in translation brought by aesthetics.  
    Keywords   translation aesthetics   aesthetic theory   aesthetic processing   
                comparative analysis
    Table of Contents
    1 Introduction...1
    1.1 Research Background1
    1.2 Definition of Translation Aesthetics..2
    1.3 Aesthetic Feature of The Kite Runner and the Translator..2
    2 Aesthetic Appreciation in Translation...3
    2.1 Criteria of Aesthetic Appreciation in Translation.3
    2.2 Loyalty..3
    2.3 Where the Beauty Lies..5
    3 Aesthetic Representation in The Kite Runner..6
    3.1 Beauty of Sound.6
    3.2 Beauty of Lexis..7
    3.3 Beauty of Syntax..10
    3.4 Beauty of Artistic Conception.11
    1 Introduction
    With the globalization booming, many foreign opuses are springing up in the market. People enjoy opportunities of tasting exotic touch and culture, while choosing an excellent version is in desperate need. Translation aesthetics is an important criterion to make the judgment. Under the category of translation aesthetics, there are many theories to handle translation process properly. In accordance with the above facts, this thesis endeavors to demonstrate three core theories in translation aesthetics and elaborates many examples in detail to show the effect of aesthetic processing.

    1.1    Research Background
    Novel, as a unique style in literature, is the crystal of human’s wisdom and talent. People can get close to colourful and exotic cultures through works written by foreign writers. However, not everyone grasps various kinds of languages. Therefore, translation comes into great and irreplaceable use. Translation involves two basic languages: the original language and the target language. The process of translation is energy and time consuming, because translation, as an intercultural activity, deals with many factors which must be handled carefully and wisely. The introduction of translation aesthetics aims to provide a platform and basis to improve version quality and ability of judgment and appreciation.
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