    Acknowledgments  For this thesis, grateful acknowledgment goes first to supervisor Professor who took time from her busy schedule and gave me valuable advice on how to choose an appropriate topic. Without her patient help and expert instructions, the completion of this thesis would be impossible, at least, not so successful.36891
    Besides, I would like to avail myself with this opportunity to thank all teachers and professors in Shanghai Institute of Technology, whose devoted teaching and enlightening lectures have benefited me a lot.
    Moreover, grateful acknowledgment goes to all my classmates and friends who have been supporting me throughout the four years, making my college life colorful and meaningful.

    Last but not least, my sincere gratitude also extends to my family, especially my dear parents, who have been working hard all day, supporting, encouraging and caring for me all of my life.
    Abstract In Seeking Back Your Life Gift, Christopher Moon tends to explore the value of life and the meaning of existence through a vivid and moving story. Peter and Kennedy are close friends and their temper and nature are in accord with each other. Peter is cynical and fights against the world. Kennedy pleases others at full split in order to please himself. Their characters are different, but, they have one thing in common, that is, they are not happy. Until one day, they found the purpose of life from a life-changing adventure and their life totally changed from the adventure.

    In this paper, the theme that happiness is the purpose of life will be emphasized in four aspects:

    First, the paper will give the definition of gift and indicate that people may feel happy after receiving gifts in order to connect gift with happiness. Secondly, the paper will study the book itself and it will point out that happiness is the purpose of life. Thirdly, it will discuss the reason why both of the two boys in the story are lost and analyze the reason why Peter is lost and why Kennedy is lost. Fourth, and then it will discourse on the way to find out happiness.

    In this paper, the reason why Peter and Kennedy are not happy will be found out and the conclusion that happiness is the purpose of life will be reached. There are three ways of finding happiness. Firstly, life itself is valuable, because all of lives are the most special gifts from God. Consequently, everyone can live his own life. Secondly, Happiness is the purpose of one’s Life. Oneself is the first priority and one’s happiness is the most important. Thirdly, happiness calls for compromises with oneself. Better get rid of meaningless striving as long as one has tried his best.
    Key Words: the meaning of existence, happiness, ego
    摘要 《找回你的生命礼物》中克里斯多夫•孟通过一个生动而感人的故事来与读者探讨一个关于生命价值及生存意义的问题。文中主角彼得和甘乃迪是一对义气相投的好朋友。彼得愤世嫉俗,与世界为敌;甘乃迪拼命取悦别人,以证明自己。他们性格不同,但他们有着相同你的处境——他们都不快乐。直到有一天,一段改变一生的奇遇让他们找到了人生中的快乐,他们的人生从此全然改观。

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