    摘要《汤姆索亚历险记》是美国著名作家马克吐温的作品,主人公汤姆索亚是个聪明顽皮,好奇心强,喜欢冒险并且向往英雄事迹的孩子。小说以童年“历险”为主线,以曲折生动、富有传奇色彩的故事为依托,塑造了汤姆等纯真少年形象。本文主要探讨了《汤姆索亚历险记》中儿童世界和成人世界,并进行分析。作者在作品中通过孩子的眼光去观察成人社会 , 同时,也透过孩子的想法来批判和讽刺社会。在给读者真实强烈的阅读愉悦感、共鸣感的同时,引发对现实社会不公的各种思考。36963
    Abstract The adventures of Tom Sawyer is the works written by famous American writer Mark Twain, in which the hero Tom Sawyer is a clever, naughty, curious, adventurous child who has the strong desire for heroic deeds. This novel with childhood adventures as the main line, based on the vivid and legendary stories, describe the innocent children, such as Tom. And this paper mainly discusses the child world and the adult world, and analysis them. In the works the author through the child’s eyes tries to observe American adult society, at the same time, also tries to criticize and satirize the society. The legendary story, describes the innocent young Tom, which leads the readers to give thought to the social injustice, as well as bring the reading pleasure and empathy.
    Key words: Tom Sawyer; child world; adult world; Mark Twain
    An Analysis of Child World and Adult World in The Adventures of Tom Sawyer
    摘要    i
    Abstract    ii
    I. Introduction    1
    II. The Child World in The Adventures of Tom Sawyer     2
    2.1 Child Described by Mark Twain’s eyes    2
    2.2 The Manifestation of the Child Character    2
    2.2.1 Innocence    2
    2.2.2 Curiosity    3
    2.2.3 Imagination    3
    2.2.4 Freedom    3
    2.2.5 Understanding of Love    4
    2.2.6 Courage    4
    2.3 The Hero’s Personality Changes    5
    III. The Adult World in the Adventures of Tom Sawyer    5
    3.1 Adult World Embodied in Specific Things    6
    3.1.1 Aunt Polly’s Glasses    6
    3.1.2 Sunday School Principal    6
    3.1.3 The Preacher    7
    3.2 Criticism of the Adult World    8
    IV. Differences Between Child World and Adult World    10
    V. Conclusion    11
    Bibliography    13
    Acknowledgements    14
    I. Introduction

    The Adventures of Tom Sawyer with strong autobiographical novel written by Mark Twain who is a great realist writer in the United States. The author of his own childhood and childhood partners as the prototype, through a real picture of childhood life, childhood memory associated with childhood life of people and things, using a series of adventures. In child’s view, child’s psychological, child’s annoyance respect, the author uses imaginative plot twists and paint a colorful childhood picture in Chinese ink. It gives people to show a childlike vivid and distinctive character. In this novel, we try to put childhood images contain upon every reader. The adventures of Tom Sawyer is a famous realism representative works by Mark Twain who is an American novelist. It becomes one of the favorite children novel with extremely local characteristics of humor and detail description to all over the world. It happens a common small town of American Mississippi River in a 19th century. It describes a group of children headed by Tom Sawyer’s innocent childhood. In order to get rid of the boring work, false doctrine and inflexible living environment, they made all sorts of adventures. The hero Tom Sawyer is naive and lively, dare to adventure, pursuing of freedom, unbearable bound inpidual character. He fantasy to do a hero career. Through the adventures of the heroes criticizevulgar social customs, hypocritical religious rituals and inflexible stale school education in the United States. The author cheerful describes free and lively mind to the children. Although The adventures of Tom Sawyer created a popular urchin image, but it is not a pure child’s book. As Mark Twain said in the book order: I wrote this novel mainly to entertain the children, but I also hope that the adults like it because it is the child’s book on the shelf. Mark Twain could be called description child’s characters of the master by used the genius of his pen to writing child’s books. He put his all life to the creation of child’s books to recreate his childhood life and breath. At the same time, the nature of the innocent children compared with corrupt the adult world to express his thought. The Adventures of Tom Sawyer publication marks the Mark Twain’s children fiction tend to succeed and get praise.
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