    摘 要一直以来中国高中英语词汇教学效率低下,学生缺乏英语学习兴趣且负担日益加重。因此为高中教师提供高效的词汇教学策略显得十分重要。本文作者在其任教的两个班进行教学实验。通过对两班学生的课堂表现进行观察,研究者发现词块理论指导下的词汇教学效果更为突出。最后本文在总结实验研究的基础上,提出了词块理论指导下的词汇教学策略以帮助高中英语教师正确认识词汇教学的核心,提高教学质量。37067
    Abstract  For a long term, English vocabulary teaching efficiency of high schools in China is very low. Students are lack of interest and become more and more stressful in their vocabulary study. Therefore, providing effective teaching strategies for high school teachers is important. The author conducts a teaching experiment between two classes that she teaches. Through the observation of students’ classroom behavior between the two classes, it is found that the class under the chunk guidance achieves more satisfactory effect than the contrasted one. Based on the summary of the applied research, the paper raises vocabulary teaching strategies under Lexical Chunk Theory to help high school English teachers have a correct understanding of the core of vocabulary teaching and improve their teaching efficiency.
    Keywords: Lexical Chunk Theory; experiment; teaching strategy
    摘 要    i
    Abstract    ii
    I. Introduction    1
    II. Research Design    2
    2.1Research Objectives    ...............    3
    2.2 Research Method    3
    Ⅲ. Analysis of Research Result    4
    3.1    Analysis of the Result of Experimental Class    4
    3.2 Analysis of the Result of Control Class    6
    IV. Application of Lexical Chunk Approach    7
    4.1    Principles of Applying Chunk Approach    8
    4.2 Application of LCA (Lexical Chunk Approach) to Vocabulary Teaching    9
    V. Conclusion    12
    Bibliography    14
    Acknowledgements    15
    On the Application of Lexical Chunk Theory to Vocabulary Teaching in Senior High School

    I. Introduction

    Vocabulary is the principal part in the whole language system, and it plays a crucial role in language learning process. Vocabulary size determines whether language learners can use the language accurately and fluently. If English is conceived as a skyscraper, then the vocabulary will be bricks. Without vocabulary, nothing can be delivered. Because students’ English learning depends largely on their mastering of vocabulary, teaching vocabulary is an important task in English training. However, the current situation in China is that although students can remember the separate words in vocabulary lists, they cannot put these words into oral communication or express their views in the writings effectively.
    There is a common phenomenon that many Chinese learners of English are inclined to use some verbs which native speakers hardly use in their expression no matter in oral form or in written form. As a result, vocabulary teaching has become a field which is filled with twists and turns for English educators. Moreover, linguistic researchers also take the topic as a priority in their research of language employment. In current China, students’ vocabulary learning comes from classroom teaching. The low efficiency of vocabulary study is mainly ascribed to teachers’ improper training. In Put’s thesis, he raises that English teachers should insist applying Lexical Chunk Approach to English classes to improve students’ vocabulary learning.
    During the preceding six years, abundant research fruits about lexical chunk (unit of vocabulary) were introduced in authoritative treatises. Through analysis, all these treatises are classified into two categories. The aim of one category is to illustrate the related issues of lexical chunks to readers. The composer usually writes some pedagogical implication for English teaching or for further research in this area. The other type is more practical. Their goal is exploring effective strategies of improving vocabulary teaching and learning. American linguist Miller first raises chunk concept, he holds that a chunk is a unit of memory. In the book “Lexical Chunk Approach”, Lewis also points out that language consists of multi-word prefabricated chunks, rather than simply bonds vocabulary and traditional grammar together (125).
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