Abstract Nathaniel Hawthorne (1804~1864), standing as a literary giant, was born in the decline of his family. He devoted himself to writing after his graduation from Bowdoin College. Rich in his writing, his 61-year life was aswarm with legend and glamour. Not surprisingly, his work was always inseparable from its “unique” perspective, such as symbolism, human exploration and Puritanism interpretation.37834
Young Goodman Brown was one of his famous short novels in which he planted distinct outlooks, such as “symbolism”, “good and evil” as well as “Puritanism”. He simultaneously spared no effort to draw us a picture of “night journey into forest”. In this night journey, Hawthorne strove to unfold the plot in certain time with his outstanding artistry. Consequently, the “time” Hawthorne set in this masterpiece is of great essence. Personally, this paper is intended to pry into Hawthorne’s time arrangement in Young Goodman Brown from the perspective of narrative strategy, and meanwhile is supposed to paraphrase this tale from a boarder and more extensive aspect, unveiling its deeply-rooted artistry, excellent innovation as well as realistic significance.
Key Words:Nathaniel Hawthorne Young Goodman Brown narrative strategy time arrangement
摘 要霍桑,世界文学巨匠,出生于家族没落时期。鲍登学院毕业之后,他便沉心写作。霍桑文采斐然,他61年的人生满是神奇与粲然。究其作品,便发现霍桑的创作总离不了“霍桑氏”主题,如“象征主义”,“人性窥视”和“清教徒探寻”。
毕业论文关键词:纳撒尼尔•霍桑 《年轻的古德曼•布朗》 叙事策略 时间设置
Abstract i
摘 要 ii
Contents iii
Introduction 1
Chapter One Narrative Strategy in Young Goodman Brown 4
Chapter Two Time Arrangement in Young Goodman Brown 7
Chapter Three Analysis on Time Arrangement from the Perspective of Narrative Strategy 11
Conclusion 15
Works Cited 16
On the Time Arrangement in Young Goodman Brown from the Perspective of Narrative Strategy
Nathaniel Hawthorne (1804~1864), a novelist standing out in the 19th century, was born on July 4, 1804 in Salem, Massachusetts, the descendant of Puritan ancestors. His long novel, Fanshawe, was published anonymously, and was not regarded as a hit. Therefore, Hawthorne completely burned all his works which were not sold out. Strongly remorseless as he is, however, he reached high success in his proceeding works. Hawthorne reached a high position in short novels. Young Goodman Brown, Rappaccini’s Daughter and Roger Malvin’s Burial brought him a extensive range of popularity, which were disseminated into several foreign countries and districts. Simultaneously, his most well-known representative went to Scarlet Letter, a long literary novel, in which he gained his title of “pioneer in psychological-analysis novel in America”. Hawthorne, however, a genius in short novel, was greatly gifted at exhibiting short stories. “Hawthorne’s highest achievement is not in The Scarlet Letter and The Marble Faun, distinguished as they are, but best in his tales and sketches” (Baym 12). Hawthorne recounted his career in tales writing that he has not lived, but only dreamed about living. Thanks to his brooding, he ultimately makes his career in richly meditated fiction.
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