    摘 要《呼啸山庄》是艾米丽的代表作,它讲述了希斯克利夫对呼啸山庄的人们进行复仇的故事。《原野》是曹禺的代表作,它描写了主人公仇虎的一生。这两部作品虽然一部是戏剧,一部是小说,但是在故事情节方面却有着惊人的相似之处。本文通过运用归纳、总结、引用、分析等方法旨在描述两篇文章中的情爱与复仇,通过对两篇文章主题的比较分析,展现了19世纪英国和20世纪中国的社会环境,以期读者能够对两篇文章以及主人公有更深层的理解认识。40506
    Wuthering Heights(written by Emily Bronte in 1847) is a story about Heathcliff”s revenge on the people of Wuthering Heights. Weald (written by Cao Yu in 1936) describes the life of its main character Qiu Hu. The two works are different in types or forms of literature, but they have incredible similarities on the plot. This paper adopts induction, summarizing, quotation and analysis methods to describe the revenge and love in two works. This paper embodies the social environment of the 19th century in England and the 20th century in China through the comparative research of the themes in Wuthering Heights and Weald, and make the readers have a further recognization for the two works and their main characters.
    Key words: revenge; love; Comparative Research
    摘 要    i
    Abstract    ii
    I. Introduction    1
     1.1 Introduction to Emily Bronte and Cao Yu    1
     1.2 The Backgrounds of the Two Works    2
    II. The Differences Between the Revenges in Two Works    3
     2.1 The Reasons of the Revenge    3
     2.2 The Goals of Revenge    5
    III. The Similarities Between the Revenges in Two Works    6
     3.1 The Converting of the Revenge Object    6
     3.2 The Inner Dilemma of the Avenger    7
     3.3 The Result of the Avenger    8
    IV The Similarities Between the Love in Two Works    9
     4.1 The Crazy Love in Two Works    9
     4.2 The Same Love Pattern in Two Works    11
    V. Conclusion    12
    Bibliography    15
    Acknowledgement    16
    Analysis of the Love and Revenge in Weald and Wuthering Heights
    I. Introduction
    1.1 Introduction to Emily Bronte and Cao Yu
     The younger sister of Charlotte Bronte, Emily Bronte shared the life of the whole Bronte family but different from her elder sister in having a more passonate and rebellious character. According to her sister Charlotte Bronte , “Emily was clever, benevolent, but very stubborn. Stronger than a man, simpler than a child, her nature stood alone.”[1]Emily, the truly “free spirit” of her family, one who could not live away from her beloved moors, was the fifth child of Reverend Patrick Bronte and Maria Branwell Bronte. Emily Bronte lived an eccentric, closely guarded life. She was born in Thornton, Yorkshire, in 1818, two years after Charlotte and a year and a half before her sister Anne. Her father worked as a church rector, and her aunt, who raised the Bronte children after their mother died, was deeply religious. Emily Bronte did not take to her aunt’s Christian fervor, the character of Joseph, a caricature of an evangelical, may have been inspired by her aunt’s religiosity. When Emily was two years old, the family moved to the parsonage at Haworth. This was to be her hoe until she died at the age of thirty. These wild, desolate expanses made up the Brontes’ daily environment. Emily Bronte’s style is clear and simple but charge with tremendous vitality. The rhythm of her sentences and the exact choice of word convey her meaning explicitly.
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