    摘 要《喜福会》是著名华裔作家谭恩美的著作。这部小说描写了四个在中国长大的母亲以及她们的四个在美国环境下长大的女儿之间发生的故事,不同的文化背景之下,两代人必然发生许许多多的碰撞,但是由于母爱,她们最终找到了两种文化的平衡点。这篇论文主要是通过《喜福会》中母女之间的摩擦与包容来研究中西方文化的碰撞及融合,揭示了文化冲突必然归于融合的发展规律。其意义在于使人们更加清楚地了解中西方文化,以及在经济全球化的今天,面对外来文化时要有充分的文化自信,理性的对待本土文化与西方文化的优缺点。40667
    Abstract The Joy Luck Club, a book written by Amy Tan, describes stories of four Chinese immigrant mothers and their Chinese-American daughters. The communication under distinct cultural backgrounds between the two generations generates lots of collision, however, for the sake of love, they finally become coexistence. This paper mainly discusses the conflicts and integration between Chinese and Western culture revealed in this novel. It intends to make us understand Chinese and western culture clearly. And how to treat traditional Chinese culture and foreign culture under the background of economic globalization is also discussed in this paper. The previous study mainly focus on the difference between Chinese and western culture existing in the novel. The novelty of this paper lies in the following. It analyzes not only the conflicts but also the integration between Chinese culture and western culture; it reveals that cultural conflict will inevitably be attributed to fusion; at the same time, it reminds us that we should have cultural confidence in our culture in face of foreign culture. Besides, we should treat the advantages and disadvantages of local culture and western culture rationally.
     Key words: The Joy Luck Club; culture conflicts; culture Integration
    Conflicts and Integration Between Chinese and Western Culture-Illustrated by The Joy Luck Club
    摘 要    ⅰ
    Abstract    ⅱ
    I. Introduction    1
    II. Cultural Conflicts in The Joy Luck Club    1
    2.1 Conflicts over Educational Conception    1
    2.2 Conflicts Between Chinese Collectivism and Western Inpidualism    3
    2.3 Conflicts over Language Expression     5
    2.4 Conflicts over Marriage    7
    2.5 Conflicts over Different Levels of Self-reliance    8
    Ⅲ. Cultural Integration in The Joy Luck Club    9
    3.1 Reconciliation of Mothers and Daughters    9
    3.2 Fusion of Chinese and Western Culture    11
    Ⅳ. Conclusion    12
    Bibliography    13
    Acknowledgments    15
    Ⅰ. Introduction
    In today’s economic globalization, the influences of western culture on Chinese culture are becoming more and more prominent. Chinese have been plagued by the questions such as how to keep balance in culture conflicts and how to guard the essence of our traditional culture for long time. So the author decided to study Chinese and western cultural conflicts and fusion, letting more people deeply understand Chinese and western cultural culture. Besides, the author wants to remind Chinese people under the background of economic globalization, we should keep a rational attitude toward native culture and foreign culture.
    This research mainly uses the method of comparison and textual analysis, by comparing four pairs of mother and daughter in The Joy Luck Club, we try to reveal various differences between Chinese and western culture. Finally, through effort of the mothers and daughters, two generations eventually find an effective way of communication. From the cultural contradictions to fusion between mothers and daughters, we summarize some conclusions.
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