
    II. Historical Background Information
    2.1 The General Plot of The Vampire Diaries
    “For over centuries I have been lived in secret. Until now, I know the risk, but I have to know her.” At the very beginning of this TV series, Stefan’s classic words lead to the start of The Vampire Diaries. The Vampire Diaries bases on the book series of the same name written by L. J. Smith. (2010) Furthermore, it is an American supernatural drama television series developed by Kevin Williamson and Julie Plec. It is a popular American TV series exploring a mystic species in Mystic Falls where supernatural beings live in secret amongst its residents. The whole story happens in a small and beautiful town called Mystic Falls. This town has a long history. There are supernatural beings living here almost one thousand years. However, most of the human residents who live here don’t know the existence of supernatural beings like vampire. They are living a normal happy life. In the beginning of the story, one of the leading role Stefan came here as a vampire to recognize a beautiful senior high school girl named Elena. Elena Gilbert, a beautiful young girl, who is brave and kind. She wants to protect her family and friends away from danger. Although she is a vulnerable human, she can fight against the evil instead of asking help from others. Even if Stefan knows that it’s hard to develop a relationship between human and vampire, he wants to know her. Then Damon, Stefan’s older brother, came back too. In the process of contact with Elena, Damon fell in love with her too. Damon and Stefan are the Salvatore brothers, who used to be human but were turned into a vampire by Katherine more than a hundred years ago. Elena is the doppelganger of Damon and Stefan’s previous lover Katherine Pierce and she resembles Katherine. Elena Gilbert and Katherine Pierce are both doppelgangers. Doppelganger is a supernatural being that they looked exactly alike, but they are different people.
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