    摘  要随着中美两国交流的逐渐增多,两国人们之间的发生矛盾的机会也大大增加。这篇文章主要通过分析中国和美国的隐私权的不同来探讨中国和美国的文化差异。隐私权对于每个人来说都是一项基本的权利,但是中国人和美国人对于隐私的保护又不是完全相同的。本文主要通过对隐私的起源分析,对待隐私的态度,保护隐私的不同方式等方面研究来分析中美文化差异。通过研究和比较两者的不同,希望可以使我们更加了解中国人和美国人的文化和价值观,从而减少两国人民在交流,合作的过程中出现的误解和摩擦。40709
    Abstract As the communication in China and America, the chance of the conflict between the two countries’ people also increases greatly. This paper mainly through the analysis of the different of privacy in China and America discuss the cultural differences of China and America. The right of privacy is a basic right for everyone, but Chinese and Americans do not have the same attitude in privacy protection. The paper mainly searches the cultural differences between American and Chinese through searching the history and origin of the right of privacy, the attitudes towards the right of privacy, the way of protection of privacy. Through the study and comparison of the differences, people can know more about American culture and values, and lead to less misunderstanding in communication and cooperation.
    Key words: privacy; culture; value
    摘 要    i
    Abstract    ii
    I. Introduction    1
    II. The History and Origin of the Right of Privacy    2
     2.1 The Origin of the Right of Privacy    2
     2.2 The History of the Right of Privacy    2
    III. Different Attitudes about the Right of Privacy in China and America    5
     3.1 The Right of Privacy in China and the Right of Privacy in America    5
     3.2 The Protection of the Right of Privacy in China and America    5
    IV. Cultural Differences Reflected Through the Right of Privacy    7
     4.1 Collectivism and Inpidualism    7
     4.2 Differences on Education    8
     4.3 Differeces on Social Custom    9
    V. Conclusion    10
    Bibliography    12
    Acknowledgements    13
    Cultural Differences between China and America from the Right of Privacy
    I. Introduction
    In the current increasingly complex social environment, people pay more attention to their own privacy, and expect that their privacy be respected in interpersonal communication. In cross-cultural communication, we stick to our own cultural background, which is the basics of their successful communication. Privacy, as a psychological concept, is very easy to be misunderstood. Because of the differences between Chinese and American cultures, the meaning and scope of privacy is different; the consciousness of privacy in international communication is inevitably different. But the concept of privacy is not immutable and frozen, it will change with time and place. The right to privacy is a kind of common phenomenon; it exists in every culture, but the differences lie in how it express. The traditional view is that Chinese culture is absolutely collectivism, there is no privacy in the Chinese collective interior. At the same time, sensitive issues such as privacy in cross-cultural communication is completely in conflict with others. This point is not suitable, and is kind of a misunderstanding of Chinese privacy culture. Especially now, the expand of economic globalization accelerates changes of world’s cultural communication and also changes the understandings in different civilizations. In this process, people’s ideas have changed a lot. In people’s daily life and work in different cultures People have different taboos. We should deal with this issue seriously in our daily life, especially in cross-cultural communication.  
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