    摘  要威廉•戈尔丁以自己所生活的战争时代为参考,结合个人的教书和参军经验,于1954年完成了他的处女作《蝇王》,此作品在当时的文学界引起巨大反响,他个人也因此作获得了诺贝尔文学奖。本文首先简述了在荒岛上一群小孩从善良沦落到邪恶,再揭露出人性本身的邪恶。本文通过分析法、文献参考法深入研究了《蝇王》中的人性主义,揭露并批判了人性的邪恶所带来的严重后果。通过这篇文章我们知道了只有呼吁人们发扬心中的善,才能建立和谐、文明、规范化的和平社会。40718
    Abstract  William Golding lived during World War I and World War II. In 1954, he completed his first writing ----Lord of the Flies. And it caused tremendous echo in the literary community at that time. At the same time, he won the Nobel Prize for literature. This paper first describes how a group of children on the island fall from goodness to evilness, and then exposes the evilness of humanity nature. This paper studies the humanity in Lord of the Flies through analysis and literature references. Accordingly, it reveals the serious results that the evil humanity brings. The novel aims to expose and criticize the evil humanity and lead people to have deep reflections. It tells people that only doing kindness can they build a harmonious and civilized modern society.
    Key words: humanity; kindness and evilness; reflection
    The Humanity in Lord of the Flies
    摘  要    i
    Abstract    ii
    I. Introduction to The Humanity    1
    II. William Golding and Lord of the Flies    2
    2.1 Introduction of William Golding    2
    2.2 The Brief Introduction of Lord of the Flies    3
    III. The Humanity in Lord of the Flies    4
    3.1 The Characteristics’ Evil Humanity in Lord of the Flies    5
    3.2 The Summary of Evil Humanity in The novel    7
    IV. The Reflection on Humanity    8
    V. Conclusion    9
    Bibliography    10
    Acknowledgments    11
    I. Introduction to The Humanity

        Rational thinking about humanity has always been the eternal pursuit of literary creation. The east and the west have long records about humanity. Ancient China has this records: people are good when they are children. And it has been spread so far. While in the west, the Bible has described the story that Adam and Eve eat the forbidden fruit. It shows the human nature is evil. Therefore, cultural differences make people have different views on human nature. In China, in the pre-qin period, there was a debate about human nature in kindness and evilness. For example, Xunzi was a representative figure of the evil human nature. Xunzi thought the evil humanity was the human nature, while the good humanity was growing by training. On the other hand, Mencius was the representative figure of arguing that human nature was kind. He didn’t deny human nature would deteriorate. But he insisted that the kindness was human nature, while evilness was the result of the distorted human nature. In the west, William Golding wrote this novel, Lord of the Flies, based on Freud’s personality theory as the instruction. He tries to convey the vulnerability in the human nature and the process of humanity’s negation. 
        The development of humanity is influenced by the degree of the civilization. And the civilization is the sum of material wealth and spiritual wealth in the process of human development. However, human’s civilization doesn’t depends completely on the advanced technology. In fact, the progress of science and technology can be good experiences for the degree of human’s civilization. We can suppose the most representative to reflect civilization is politics. It is a collection of humanity. And at the same time, the politics controls the hearts of people. The Inpiduals should obey the political rules to do things in society. The nature of the politics doesn't matter in kind or evil humanity itself. But it has important influence in being the kind or the evil humanity tendencies. It is not comprehensive if we only use good or evil human nature to explain something in life. We should have full understanding in the serious results that people’s actions bring. And we human should also make full use of the interaction between mutual penetration and mutual transformation to do beneficial things.
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