
        Zhang Ailing, is one of the remarkably brightest in the history of Chinese female literature. In her novels, the love and marriage between men and women are taken up most space. Undoubtedly Zhang Ailing mainly wrote about the subject of love and marriage. Zhang Ailing is not opposed to write the revolution, the war, the major themes of the society, but she is good at writing love and marriages. At the same time, she thought, people in love, are more simple and undisciplined than at the time of war or revolution. In other words, people in love can be more authentic and fully display human nature of people.

    II.  A Brief Account of the Authors and Works

    2.1 A Brief Introduction of Jane Austen and Zhang Ailing
        Jane Austen career belongs chronologically to the Romantic Period. She is the first significant female write in the English novel history. Jane Austen comes from in Hampshire with a small town in southwest England, and she was the second daughter in her family. Her father was a rector of the church and a scholar who encouraged his children to learn the love. Jane Austen with her brothers and sisters were studied at home, and they passed their life quietly. However she cultivated shrewd insight and subtle discrimination by her personal reading and writing in her early stage. Since she was twenty, she had written a fictional ventures for her close friends and family, which are full of enchanting and exquisite comedy. The currently fashionable novels and the revolution ideas had hardly affected her creativity. Her novels mainly depicted the stories of ordinary people’s life and thoughts of the British middle-class.
        In referring to her own fiction, she said, “The little bit of ivory on which I work with so fine a brush...produces little effect after much labor.” In her modest way she became one of the two greatest English novelists of the period, Sir Walter Scott being the other. In the 19th century Jane Austen was prevalent, and in the 20th century she became almost a cult figure to many well-known writers.
        Jane Austen’s life adventure is much less complicated than Zhang Ailing. Zhang Ailing is a Chinese famous woman writer, who is good at writing relationships between men and women in love. Liang Jing had been used the pseudonym, which is almost unknown. She was born into a China wracked with instability in Shanghai in 1920. Her family was very wealthy and powerful in the late-Qing Dynasty. An influential official, Li Hongchang, was her parental great-grandfather. Zhang Ailing’s father, was a completely narcotic addict. Zhang Ailing’s mother, was a sophisticated woman of cosmopolitan tastes, partly educated in England.
  1. 上一篇:《飘》中的生态女性主义解读
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