
    Faced with such an embarrassing situation, some modern teaching methods or methods are adopted in the English teaching in China, such as task-based approach, scenario simulation, and communicative language teaching methods. Although these approaches and methods proven to be effective in improving learners’ ability to use English to some extent, the effect is clearly not enough, because the students’ low motivation and high anxiety. What’s the situation in English teaching in China?
    It may be caused by the national education system, which makes English teaching in China caused by the candidate. In such an environment, students are not the center of the teaching activities. Humor can be an effective medicine to “cure” boring classroom and help students maintain interest and lower anxiety. Therefore, it is necessary to carry out some research, humor, foreign language teaching.
    1.2 Research Objectives
    Because of the significance of the classroom teaching of humor, a lot of research in theoretical and empirical, has been done by many scholars in Western countries. However, most previous studies carried out at the college or university, and a few of them studied the use of humor in the high school. As a student of integral development stage, high school education in training of a person's attitude towards life and learning an important role in the formation of habits. I believe that the need to explore teaching high school English teaching humor.
    In addition, the use of humor in the classroom has different opinions put forward different scholars. Most of them confirmed that humor can be used to promote student learning and improving by stimulating their interest in reducing their anxiety to establish a better relationship between students and teachers, to create a more comfortable learning environment (Makewa, roles and Genga 2011 teaching effectiveness; Yi called on North Korea & Throssell, 2010; Wagner and Eduardo, 2011; Skinner, 2010; Nancy, 2009). Still, some scholars do not think humor can be suitable teachers and students from the cultural background. For people affected by traditional culture, the humor in the classroom teachers may be inappropriate, because it may make students feel uncomfortable, affecting the authority of teachers.
    Therefore, I would like to explore teaxching humor is accepted, and used properly in China’s high school classrooms. This article aims to analyze the type, frequency and humorous teaching high school English Teaching effect.
    1.3 Research Significance   
    It is very easy to find humor themed literature, especially in the field of psychology and sociology; however, research on teaching humor is not so easy to find in foreign language teaching. Although scholars in Western countries to explore some of the second language classes to use humor to do some research, most studies are based on approach, experience, empirical research “approach, in theory system has not been studied independently formed (molybdenum, 2013). Most of the research is the psychological framework or the only conclusion from experience-based. Therefore, the data collected in this study, and the conclusions drawn from the data is that hope to enrich the teaching of the theory of humor and promote theoretical system formation.
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