    关键词  热词   翻译   策略   结构
    Title  English Buzzwords and Their Translation Strategies
    As a subclass of translation activities, buzzwords translation also belongs to cross-language, cross-social cultural activity. 21st century has witnessed the vital place that buzzwords have won. This essay takes buzzwords and neologisms into account, analyzing the deficiencies and shortages on the basis of traditional translation theories according to translational corpus of buzzwords within these years. The paper aims to find out a better buzzwords translation strategy that can fit the bill of modern society. It also proposes a more complete strategy that can figure out the accuracy of translation between English and Chinese.
    Keywords   buzzwords   translation   strategies   formation
    Table of Contents
    1    Introduction    1
    1.2    Literature Review    2
    1.2.2 Deficiencies of previous study    3
    2.2 Emerging of Buzzwords    5
    2.3 Classification of Buzzwords    6
    2.3.1 Buzzwords of Social Life    6
    2.3.2 Buzzwords of Politics and Economy    6
    2.3.3 Buzzwords of Science and Technology    7
    3 Translation Strategy of Buzzwords    8
    3.1 Traditional Translation Strategy    8
    3.2 Zero Translation    9
    Zero translation’s presence had express the need of rapidity, economization and efficiency.    9
    3.3.1 Buzzwords with New Affix    10
    3.3.2 Words Made by Analogy    12
    From the above, few letters of the buzzwords can create concise and comprehensive meanings and summarize all the contents of the related news and events.    16
    3.3.4 New Compound Buzzwords    16
    3.3.5 Old Words with New Meanings    19
    Conclusion    21
    Acknowledgements    22
    Bibliography    23
    1    Introduction
    According to the rapid change and development of the world we are living, only creating neologisms can conform to the language communication. Buzzwords emphasize on social hot issues and become more related to the reality. Almost every new word is a symbol of a typical event or a unique phenomenon and it makes the common narration suddenly shining and charming among mass medias. Under the explosion of information of language environment, these words fully reflects the language economical principle and improve the speed of communication, which meet human’s purpose of chasing efficiency and faster pace of life. Along with the greater demand of the buzzwords translation, it is quite important to find out a better buzzwords translation strategy.

    As a social activity, translation plays an important role in communication. It shows that the primary function of translation is social function which urge the reform and the change society(Guo, 2009: 158-160).

    Politics has made an enormous impact including macro control and system control on all the subsystems of society. Translation always carries on in a certain political environment.
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