    Abstract Antonia Susan Byatt is a very distinctive and influential literary critic and feminist writer in Britain contemporary literary world. She is especially good at employing various narrative techniques through a feminist viewpoint in her short story writings. Among her works, Sugar and Other Stories is one of the most excellent collections of short stories. This collection deals with fragility of women and their shared tragic fate through various narrative techniques.41041
    This thesis attempts to analyze three short stories in Sugar and Other Stories, which are “Racine and the Tablecloth,” “Rose-Colored Teacups” and “The Dried Witch”. Through analyzing the narrative techniques from two aspects of the space and time and usage of symbols, this thesis intends to explore the techniques that Byatt uses to deconstruct the writing tradition of male center and reflect Byatt’s idea of demolishing the dominant culture of “phallus”. Moreover, it tends to reveal the depressed and tragic living situation of women under the hierarchy of paternity 
    From the three stories, we can see the tragic fate of women and the awakening of their self-consciousness. Women are limited in a closed space and need constant fighting. Byatt holds positive attitudes towards such fight and believes if all women participate in such fight, they can gain equality in the future. These three stories in Sugar and Other Stories entail Byatt’s best wishes and her strong appeal.
    Key words:  Antonia Susan Byatt     Sugar and Other Stories     space and time     symbol   
    毕业论文关键词:安东尼娅•苏珊•拜厄特     《糖和其他故事》     时空     象征手法    
    Abstract    i
    摘  要    iii
    Contents    v
    Chapter One    1
    Introduction    1
    Chapter Two    5
    An Analysis of Space-time Techniques    5
    1. The Closed Space    5
    2. The Infinite Time    9
    Chapter Three    12
    An Analysis of Symbolic Meanings    12
    1. The Symbolic Meaning of the Characters    12
    2. The Symbolic Meaning of the Objects    15
    3. The Symbolic Meaning of the Scenes    17
    Conclusion    20
    Works Cited    21
    Chapter One
     Antonia Susan Byatt is a very distinctive and influential literary critic and feminist writer in Britain contemporary literary world. Her writings win more and more attention especially after she won Booker prize in 1990 for her fifth novel—Possession. Many scholars have done a lot of research on her novels, such as Possession, The Shadow of the Sun and Angels and Insects. Apart from her achievement in novels, Byatt’s short stories are also worth reading. She has written five short story collections, including Sugar and Other Stories, The Matisse Stories, The Djinn in the Nightingale’s Eye, Elementals: Stories of Fire and Ice and Litter Black Book of Stories. Byatt pays much attention to describing the situations of women and adopts many feminist narrative techniques.
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