
    From the above summary, we can see that both in America and China, the research from the point of spiritual ecology on A Streetcar Named Desire is rare and simple. The author of this paper will analyze the symptoms of spiritual ecology imbalance discovered in the main characters and explore the causes, so as to put forward possible ways to maintain a balanced spiritual ecology in modern society.

    Facing the crisis of natural ecology, social ecology and human’s spiritual world, people take action to reflect and regularize their behavior in order to balance ecological system. At the same time, more attention has been paid to our own mental state, and scholars gradually attach great importance to conduct research on spiritual problems.

    It is Chardin and Claude Allegve who put forward the concept of “spiritual circle” (qtd. in Liu, Ecological Criticism 50). In china, “Spiritual ecology” has become enormously popular since 1990s. Scholars have different definition of this concept. In this paper, the author mainly employs Lu Shuyuan’s definition: being a branch of ecology, the theory of spiritual ecology focuses on the interrelation between spiritual existence and its survival environment (natural, social and cultural environment) (The Space for Ecocriticism 93). In addition, Spiritual ecology also deals with the correlation between man and himself: spirit and body, internal and external world, the conflicts and harmony between desire, ambition, ideal, belief and the reality.

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