
    Abstract Since the 1970s, the marginalized Chinese American literature has received more and more attention and has been gradually recognized in American society. With the American nationality and Chinese ethnic root, the Chinese American writers constantly show their  understandings of both Chinese and American culture and reflect on the cultural identity of the minority in America.42283

    Amy Tan’s The Joy Luck Club mainly describes the inter-generational relationships between the Chinese American mothers and their American-born daughters. She explores the conflicts and misunderstandings between the two generations and shows her understanding of the minority’s cultural identity. This thesis mainly focuses on the issue of cultural identity. It explores the marginalized people’s identity crisis and the conflicts caused by the crisis. It will discuss how the two generations negotiate with each other and finally make an reconciliation. At last, this thesis will reach a conclusion of how to obtain a new and whole cultural identity. Based mainly on Homi Bhabha’s post colonial theories, which share similarities in ethnic cultural identity with those of Amy Tan. Both of them believe that cultural hybridity can give the minority a chance to represent their cultural identities and to speak for them themselves. They think that the cultural identity is a dynamic and hybrid one instead of a fixed and single one and the process of identity searching is negotiable and changeable.

    Key words: The Joy Luck Club     cultural identity     hybridity         



    毕业论文关键词:《喜福会》     文化身份     混杂


    Abstract i

    摘  要 ii

    Contents iii

    Introduction 1

    Chapter One Identity Crisis 4

    1.1 Identity crisis of the mothers 4

    1.2 Identity crisis of daughters 7

    1.3 Inter-generational Relationship 9

    Chapter Two Identity Awakening 13

    2.1 The Memory Itself 13

    2.2 Negotiate Through Memory Disclosure

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  2. 下一篇:《名利场》中贝基夏普的女性主义解读
  1. 《少年派的奇幻漂流》中的隐喻分析

  2. 弗洛伊德人格理论角度解...

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  6. 《永别了,武器》的写作主题和叙事策略

  7. 《永别了,武器》的写作主题和叙事策略

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