
    Abstract In her 13th novel The Round House (2012), Louise Erdrich, an American Indian writer, portrays the image of Joe whose attitude changes from rejecting, losing American Indian cultural identity to reconstructing identity, so as to subvert the white cultural hegemony, to enable American Indians to get out of the miseries and to find a new way to survive in the modern society. Through this novel, Erdrich faithfully delineates American Indian life and demonstrates American Indians’ desire to resist marginalization, and to become a significant part of the mainstream society.42286

    The thesis analyzes the cultural identity construction of Joe under the guidance of the theories of cultural identity and postcolonialism. The thesis first introduces the significance from three aspects, and then presents the theories that will be applied and related researches. The body of the thesis analyzes the process of losing, awakening and reconstructing ethnic identity by Joe. On the basis of the analysis, the conclusion suggests that people living in the development of globalization should keep their national characteristics while embracing other fine cultures to establish a hybridized identity, only in that way can they succeed to finding themselves, surviving and developing in the modern society. 

    Key words: The Round House     cultural identity     loss     reconstruction



    毕业论文关键词:《圆屋》     文化身份     迷失     重构       


    Abstract i

    摘要 ii

    Contents iii

    Introduction 1

    1.  Significance 1

    2.  Literature Review 2

    3.  Theoretical Framework 3

    4.  Basic Structure of the Thesis 6

    Chapter One Denial and Loss 8

    Chapter Two Gradual Awakening 13

    Chapter Three Acceptance and Reconstruction 16

    Conclusion 19

    Works Cited 21 

    On the Construction of Joe’ s American Indian Identity in The Round House 


    1.  Significance 

    Louise Erdrich is an enrolled member of the Turtle Mountain Chippewa tribe of North Dakota and remains one of the most productive and accomplished Native American writers. In 2012, she received the National Book Award for Fiction for her novel The Round House in which ethnic identity functions as an important motif. This novel not only tells the extraordinary experience of an American Indian boy named Joe but also carries deeper significance. “In her 13th and most concentrated novel yet, The Round House, Erdrich chops away at the knotty, complicated relationships that lead to rape and two murders, but its deepest ambition is to leave them intact as a faithful representation of American Indian life” (Meyers 76). When the reader reads the last sentence, “We just keep going”(317), he can’t help wondering “Where will they go?”. Proceeding from this question, the thesis aims to study how Indians understand their identity in the post-colonial aura; in other words, it aims to study the ethnic identity issue carried by the novel. Jorge Larrain attached great importance to ethnic identity, “In the formation of inpidual identity, many inpiduals share some group consciousness or characteristics, such as religion, sex, class, [. . .]. It is ethnic identity that plays important roles in the formation of subjects in modern times”(154). In this novel, it is through seeking his ethnic identity that Joe, a 13-year-old American Indian boy, gets over anxieties, becomes mature and survives in the conflicts of white culture and marginalized American Indian culture. Therefore it’s necessary to find out how Joe finally establishes a new identity. Besides, considering many modern people feel the same way as Joe does and they don’t know who they are, the thesis aims to inspire the reader how one can overcome his anxiety of ethnic identity and finds his way in the collision of different cultures.

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