    A Comparative Study of the marital view between Pride and Prejudice and the Golden Cangue Acknowledgements
    摘 要
    本文旨在通过分析《傲慢与偏见》和《金锁记》这两本经典的婚恋小说中所体现出来的婚恋观, 抽取出有用的部分,结合时代的发展潮流,为现代女性树立正确的婚恋观提供一些有用的指导和帮助。
    The marital view processed by modern women is more utilitarian than before. They concern more about the social status, financial abilities and family background of their counterparts instead of emotional bond. What are the reasons of this phenomenon? What are the right marital views we should process?
    This thesis aims to find out the marital views the authors hold in the classic novel Pride and Prejudice and the Golden Cangue which are well-accepted and highly recommended by the public. It also tries to excavate the underlying causes of the establishment of their marital views. The author hopes it will be a helpful and useful reference for modern women.
    This thesis uses a comparative method to analyze the indicated marital views of the heroes. By comparing difference pairs of lovers in the novels, it is much easier for us to find out the right marital views to use for reference.
    In this paper, part one aims to show the background introduction of the currently popular marital views among modern women, especially in China. The second and third part will be the analysis of the marital views in Pride and Prejudice and the Golden Cangue. The forth part aims to analyze the similarities of the marital views. The conclusion part gives some objective suggestions for modern women to have suitable marital views

    Key words:Marital views of women, Pride and Prejudice, The Golden Cangue

    摘 要    IV
    Abstract    1
    1. Introduction    3
    1.1. Introduction    3
    1.2 Current Chinese marital circumstances    3
    2. Marital views in Pride and Prejudice    5
    2.1Basic Introduction    5
    2.2 Reflected marital views    5
    3. Marital views in The Golden Cangue    10
    3.1 Basic Introduction    10
    3.2Reflected Marital Views    10
    4. Comparison    12
    4.1 Similarities    12
    4.2 Differences    14
    5. Conclusion    15
    Bibliography    17
    1. Introduction
    1.1. Introduction
    Marital views are people’s ideas and opinions toward marriage and family. It is not immutable and frozen. Instead, it will change according to the development of the society.
    Nowadays, the life in China is not easy. People have to carry a lot of heavy burdens, for instance, the super-high house price, the uneven education resources and the inferior quality of medical care. The harsh life contributes to the large number of leftover women and men.
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