
    Acknowledgements I would like to express my appreciation to a number of people for their invaluable assistance in preparation and development of this thesis.

    My most sincere thanks is first extended to my supervisor Professor whose valuable advice and intellectual guidance were beneficial to me over the entire process of my writing. His effective advice, shrewd comments have kept the thesis in the right direction. Without his help and encouragement, this thesis would not have achieved its present shape.

    I would also like to thank other professors for their enlightening teaching. They are Associate Professor Yang Delong, Associate Professor Tang Dingjiu, Associate Professor Li Yi, etc. They have helped me cultivate my interest and quality for literature study and develop the fundamental academic competence.44291

    I would also like to express my deep gratitude to my friends for their constant encouragement and constructive suggestions.

    The Divergence of Relationship, Love, Religion between Fantasy and Reality in “Araby”

    Abstract The short story “Araby” is from James Joyce’s first important work----Dubliners (1914). It is much more than a story of first love but a Bildungsroman, which is a novel of growth or development; it is a portrait of a world that defies the fantasy and the reality. The writer concentrates on the theme of a boy’s growth from innocence to experience and from immaturity to maturity and reinforces the theme and characters of the boy in the story by using chosen settings, imagery, darkness and light, religious images as well as taking western culture into consideration. By describing the conflicts of relationships, love, religion between fantasy and reality, the dilemma of the boy and the theme of the shattering dreams in cold and cruel reality are reinforced.

    Keywords: Divergence; Fantasy and Reality; Relationship; Love; Religion




    1. Introduction 1

    1.1 The Main Content of the Story 1

    1.2 Literature Review 1

    2. The Reasons for the Divergence 2

    2.1 The Fundamental State of the Country 2

    2.2 The Environment the Boy Lives in 3

    2.2.1 The Community Environment 3

    2.2.2 The Family Environment 3

    3. Three Basic Groups of Divergence 4

    3.1 The Divergence of Relationship 4

    3.1.1The Boy and the Teacher 4

    3.1.2 The Boy and His Families 4

    3.2 The Divergence of Love 4

    3.2.1 The Boy’s Cautious but Strong Pursuit of the Girl 4

    3.2.2 The Girl’s Indifferent Attitude to the Boy

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