    ABSTRACT Aesthetic translation not only uncovers origins between translation and aesthetics, but also discusses the specific significance aesthetics contributing to the translation study. The viewpoints of translation aesthetics make for the propositions of aesthetic standards in various literary forms. The analysis and interpretations of and solutions to the aesthetic issues in the language translation. Aesthetic translation requires the translator who is the main factor of aesthetic object should analyze the objective factors of works and then to crystallize the relationship between aesthetic subject and aesthetic object. Based on these factors, translators play a dynamic role of subject of translation. Thereby, the aesthetic connotation will be represented in translation.46185
    In the translation of literature, aesthetics translation is one of the most important perspectives to analyze literature works and it is a necessary part. Thus the techniques of aesthetics theory and the applied skills play an important role in translation. Aesthetics theory is suitable for analyzing literature works because translation is based on aesthetics theories which can grab the beauty of literature to the largest extent. The thesis research is on the translation of the Night’s Watch Oath in A Game of Thrones. By analyzing the language meaning and context, readers can get the beauty of original literature. When the translator converses one language to another, he should reduce the limits of original literature, and create a more beautiful conversion. This is not a simple language conversion, but a creation.
    Key Words: translation; aesthetic perspective; beauty
    摘  要翻译美学是一门揭示译学的美学渊源,探讨美学对译学的特殊意义,用美学的观点来认识翻译的科学性和艺术性的学科,它运用美学的基本原理,提出翻译不同文体的审美标准,分析、阐述和解决语际转换中的美学问题。翻译美学要求在分析原文的翻译审美客体的基础上,译者作为审美主体应该剖析客体的构成因素,发挥主体的翻译能动作用,明确审美主体与审美客体之间的关系,从而在翻译中再现客体具备的审美内涵。
    Table of Contents
    摘  要    3
    1    Introduction    5
    1.1 Background of the Research    5
    1.2 Significance of the Research    6
    2 Literature Review    7
    3    Aesthetic Translation and The Translation of the Night’s Watch Oath    8
    3.1    Aesthetic Translation    8
    3.2    Aesthetic Translation and Its Features    10
    3.2.1 Beauty in Sound    10
    3.2    Beauty in Forms    11
    3.2.2    Beauty in words    12
    3.2.3    Beauty in Discourse    12
    3.3 The Night Watch Oath    12
    3.3    The Aesthetic Analysis of the Oath    13
    3.4.1 The Use of Repetitions    13
    3.4.2 The Use of Metaphors    13
    3.4.3 The Use of Imperative Sentences    14
    3.5    Analysis of the Different Translation Versions of the Oath    14
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