
    A Brief Analysis of the British Accent of Mary Crawley in Downton Abbey Abstract It has been nearly 1,500 years since the time English originated. As an essential part of English, English Accents also come into various branches with the development of English. Object of this study are British Accents being used usually in Britain, the birthplace of English. British Accents refer to the English accents spoken in the United Kingdom or, more broadly, throughout the British Isles. 46691

    Accent, with no doubt, is one of important factors contributing to characterization. Various social background, social class and personal experience result in various accents. This study, taking TV series Downton Abbey as an example, is going to discuss the possibility of characterization from the perspective of accents and provide reference for further study on accents in films.

    This study is significantly meaningful both in theory and practice. Theoretically, it continues to complete the studies on Downton Abbey, especially in the aspect of accents of Downton Abbey. Practically, the action to uncover the hidden secrets of British accents could remind people to pay attention to their own English pronunciations and be more sensitive to them.

    Keywords: Downton abbey; British accents; Mary Crawley; Character analysis; Received Pronunciation

      A Brief Analysis of the British Accent of Mary Crawley in Downton Abbey

    摘  要英语从产生至今,已有1500多年的历史。英语语音,作为英语的一个不可或缺的方面,也随着英语的发展而衍化出成千上百种分支。本文关注的对象是在英语起源地英国使用的语音——英式语音。英式语音,即指在英国乃至整个大不列颠群岛使用的各式英语口音。





    1. Introduction

    1.1 Research Background 1

    1.2 Objectives of the Study 2

    1.3 Significance of the Study 2

    2. Literature Review 3

    2.1 Relevant Studies on Downton Abbey 3

    2.2 Overview of British Accents 3

    2.2.1Definition of British Accents 4

    2.2.2 History of British Accents 5

    2.2.3 Varieties of British Accents 10

    3. British Accent of Mary Crawley 12

    3.1 Character Analysis of Mary Crawley 12

    3.1.1 Social Background 12

    3.1.2 Social Class 12

    3.2 Mary’s Accent in Downton Abbey 13

    3.2.1 Original Accent Analysis 13

    3.2.2 Desired Accent Analysis  14

    4. Conclusions

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