
    How to Use Morning Reading to Improve Students’ Interest in English Abstract Morning reading, as a supplement of English class, plays an vital part in students’ English study. However, now many junior students pay little attention to it as well as English teachers. This thesis mainly talks about the importance of morning reading, students’ attitude towards it and how we can make the best use of it to improve students’ interest in English.46835

    Keywords: morning reading; junior students; interest; content and form




    Introduction 1

    2. Literature Review 2

    2.1. Introduction 2

    2.2. The Importance of Reading Interest 2

    2.3. The Factors Influencing Students’ Reading Interest 3

    2.3.1 Reading Materials 3

    2.3.2 Introversion, Intellectualism and Academic Achievement 3

    2.3.3 Illustration 3

    2.3.4 Relationship with Families and Friends 3

    2.3.5 Gender and Race 4

    2.4. Motivation of Reading 4

    2.5. Literature Summary 6

    3. Research 7

    3.1. The Current Situation of Morning Reading in Baochuta Experimental School 7

    3.2. The Existing Problems in Morning Reading 7

    3.3. The Importance of Morning Reading 8

    3.3 Research Questions 9

    3.4 Questionnaire 9

    4. Result and analysis 9

    4.1 Students’ attitudes towards morning reading 9

    4.2. Reasons Leading to Their Attitudes 12

    4.3 Students’ Suggestions for Improving Morning Reading 12

    5. Ways to Change Morning Reading 13

    5.1. Content of Morning Reading 13

    5.2. Form of Morning Reading 15

    5.3. Some Issues Needing to be Addressed. 16

    6. Conclusion 17

    References 18

    Appendix 19


    English as a commonly used language requires speakers to be equipped with listening, speaking, reading and writing skills, among which reading is an efficient way to learn English. The emphasis on reading can definitely help improve other three skills, making sure that junior students develop their language abilities comprehensively.

    As a Chinese saying goes, morning hours is the best time of a day to work. During my training period in Baochuta Experimental School, where students usually have English morning reading two to three times a week, I noticed that students often feel less motivated and easily distract when reading English words and texts. There is no doubt that morning reading plays an important part in students’ study. Therefore, it makes me wonder how we should make the best use of morning reading to improve their interest in English.

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