
    2.3 Researches of Situational Teaching Method 4

    2.3.1 Researches of Situational Teaching Method in Western Countries 4

        2.3.2 Researches of Situational Teaching Method in China…… 5

            2.3.3 Summary…… 6

    3. Research Procedures …… 6

       3.1 Research Methodology…… 6

       3.2 Research Design…… 7

       3.3 Research Questions…… 7

       3.4 Case analysis of English teaching in Luoyang Primary School…… 7

    4. Data Analysis…… 7

       4.1 Students' interest in English…… 7

       4.2 Problems that Exit in Teaching…… 8

           4.2.1 Lack Awareness of Situational Teaching…… 8

           4.2.2 Lack Situational Teaching Material…… 9

           4.2.3 Created Situations are not Satisfying…… 10

    5. Conclusion…… 10

    References 12

    Appendix I 13

    Appendix II 14

    1. Introduction

    1.1 Background

        With the development of the society, the education of China has met a series of challenges in the 21st century. Foreign language teaching has been playing a dominant role in China's curriculum reform, especially in the present globalization of Chinese society and economy. There is a phenomenon which we called "Dumb English" in China, which means a large number of students can only read and write instead of speaking. According to the observation, the problem is caused by the ways Chinese teachers teach. In addition, a lot of schools in China do not have enough facilities such as English laboratory, LCD, and other multimedia. So the students need suitable advice to improve their oral English. Predecessors created several ways to attract students. First, they encourage teachers to create the comfortable environment to do the teaching learning process. Second, they also advice teachers to use different kinds of media, such as concrete objects, pictures and other aids in order to avoid the young learners' boredom. Chinese researchers found that the method of language teaching must he comfortable and relaxing for the students. Teachers need to find something to stimulate students' motivation in the class. Besides, teachers should make students participate in some activities which are interesting and fun for them. Situational Language Teaching is developing in China and has been adopted for many years, which shows its efficiency perfectly.

        Situational Teaching Method just follows some rules of linguistics. The situational language teaching is originally called Oral Approach, which is developed by British applied linguists from the 1930's to 1960's (Shu Dingfang, 1999.). In the 1970s, Situational Teaching Method was introduced to china and well-known in the foreign language field, and it has provided guidance to many well-known EFL/ESL textbooks and courses, including New Concept English written by Alexander, which is still used in China and known by almost every Chinese English learner. The theory of learning underlying Situation Language Teaching Method is behaviorism, addressing more the processes, than the conditions of learning. Palmer and Hornsby are the main advocator of Situational Teaching Method (Shu Dingfang, 1999.). A good scene will create a harmonious atmosphere between teachers and students, and thus achieves a satisfactory effect. The basic requirement of situational teaching method is to fully motivate pupils' sensory organs to apperceive the objects to be learned through seeing, fearing even touching them. Situational Teaching Method also has solid theoretical grounds in physiology; psychology, and linguistics.

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