
    Needs Analysis of Junior Middle School English Learners Abstract English, viewed as an international language, is widely used as a means of interaction between people around the world. What’s more, the globalization makes the use of English even increase. In China, English is chosen as a required course. 46986

    Chinese English curriculum has developed for a long period. Even though, there still exists problems. The author thinks that almost all the problems can be summarized as the dissatisfaction of students’ needs. So the author chooses two grade seven classes in a junior middle school in Hangzhou to analyze students’ needs. Questionnaire is used to collect data. Through the needs analysis, the author find that needs analysis can help people find out what students really need and what they don’t need. The author also gives suggestions after the needs analysis, which improve the English curriculum.

    Key Words: junior middle school students, needs analysis, English curriculum


    摘  要英语,作为一门国际语言,为全世界人民广泛使用。另外,全球化的趋势使得英语的使用频率更加频繁。在中国,英语更是作为一门学校的必修科目。




    1. Introduction 1

        1.1 Research Background 1

        1.2 Research Purpose and Significance1

        1.3 Research Questions... .2

    2. Literature Review 3

        2.1 English for General Purposes (EGP)..3

      2.1.1 The Definition of EGP 3

      2.1.2 The Development of EGP…… 3

        2.2 Needs..3

      2.2.1 The Definition of Needs ..3

          2.2.2 The Classification of Needs 4

        2.3 Needs Analysis...4

      2.3.1 The Definition of Needs Analysis…… 4

          2.3.2 The Process of Needs Analysis5

        2.4 The Models of Needs Analysis...5

    3. Research Design..7

        3.1 Research Subjects...7

        3.2 Research Instrument...7

        3.3 Research Procedure7

    4. Results and Discussion9

        4.1 Answers to Research Question 19

      4.1.1 English Learners’ Necessities..9

      4.1.2 English Learners’ Lacks..10

      4.1.3 English Learners’ Wants..11

        4.2 Answers to Research Question 211

      4.2.1 English Learners’ Material Conditions11

          4.2.2 English Learners’ Psychological Conditions...13

          4.2.3 English Learners’ Current Knowledge and Learning Skills14

          4.2.4 English Learners’ Supporting Conditions15

    5. Conclusion...17

  1. 上一篇:初中英语学习者需求分析
  2. 下一篇:合作学习在初中英语课堂的应用
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