
    A Brief Analysis of the Priest’s Presence in Araby Abstract James Joyce, an Irish writer, is a world-famous master of the stream of consciousness technique. In his well-known work, the short-story collection Dubliners (1914), the third story is Araby which describes first disillusionary romantic experience of an innocent boy. The article pides a series of representative symbols in Araby and reveals the social darkness in Dublin and the decline of Catholic church. Epiphany, James Joyce’s original and unique artistic techniques, embodies in the protagonist’s expectation toward first love.Therefore, this thesis is a study of special character and plots, especially from the image of priest perspective, providing better understanding of the functions and management of such role in revealing the theme of the story which is expressed by images--paralysis. 47173

    This thesis consists of four parts: the first chapter is introduction that introduces research background, research methodology and the structure of this thesis. The second chapter is the literature review about Araby . The third chapter is the general analysis of the priest image in the story. In the end of this thesis, conclusions are drawn from the analysis and discussion.

        Keywords: Araby; priest; religion; paralysis 




    毕业论文关键词:《阿拉比》; 牧师; 宗教; 精神瘫痪


    1. Introduction 1

    1.1 James Joyce, the Author 1

    1.2 Dubliners, the collection of short stories 1

    1.3 “Araby”, the short story 1

    1.4 Thesis Structure 2

    2. Literature Review 3

    3. General Analysis of the Priest Image in "Araby" 5

    3.1 The Direct Factors Related to the Priest--His Room, Books 5

    3.2 The Indirect Factors Related to The Priest 6

    4. the Reasons of The Priest’s Image And His Death in "Araby" 8

    4.1 Mortality 8

    4.2 The Priest in Western Culture, Especially in Ireland 8

    5. Conclusion 9

    References 11

    1. Introduction

    1.1 James Joyce, the Author

        James Joyce, an Irish novelist, is noted for his experimental use of language in such works as Ulysses and Finnegans Wake. During his career Joyce suffered from rejections from publishers, suppression by censors, attacks by critics, and misunderstanding by readers. Joyce’s technical innovations in the art of the novel include an extensive use of interior monologue; he used a complex network of symbolic parallels drawn from the mythology, history, and literature, and created a unique language of invented words, puns, and allusions. From 1902 Joyce led a nomadic life, which perhaps reflected in his interest in the character of Odysseus. Although he spent long times in Paris, Trieste, Rome, and Zurich, with only occasional brief visit to Ireland, his native country remained basic to all his writings.

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