
    Feminism Shown Between A Change In The Lighting and Red Rose and White Rose Abstract It widely exists around the world that the female live in the lower class compared to male for a long time in perspective of politics, economy, education, and even in marriage. However, there is a growing trend in the whole world that more women are breaking through in fields of careers, politics, education, economy and even in marriage. The study of feminism in western country began over 200 years ago, which went through 3 periods. In China, the history of feminism research is much shorter than the western country. However, it has a quick development.47177

    This paper focuses on feminism shown in Australian and Chinese literature in perspective of marriage. By analyzing the Australian novel A Change in the Lighting and the Chinese novel Red Rose and White Rose, this paper summarizes the common points and differences in terms of women’s communicative speech acts and women’s ethics, which aims to find the reasons that cause women’s different act to husband’s love affair and to help Chinese women find the answer to some problems which happen in their marriage.

    Keywords: A Change in the Lighting; Red Rose and White Rose; Feminism; Communicative Speech Act; Moral Autonomy; Personal Autonomy 


    摘 要长期以来,相对于男性而言,女性在政治、经济、教育甚至婚姻中都处于弱势地位。然而近期,全世界的女性在这些方面有了前所未有的突破与改变。200多年前,女性主义的研究在西方世界萌芽,至今经历了3个阶段。中国对女性主义的研究远晚于西方,但它正快速地成长与发展。




    1. Brief Introduction of Main Content1

    1.1 The Australian Novel A Change in the Lighting by Amy Witting. 1

    1.2 The Chinese Novel Red Rose and White Rose by Eileen Chang1

    1.3 Moral Autonomy and Personal Autonomy..1

    1.4 Communicative Speech Act2

    2. Common Points in A Change in the Lighting and Red Rose and White Rose in Perspective of Female’s Moral Autonomy.3

    3. Difference in A Change in the Lighting and Red Rose and White Rose in Perspective of Female’s Personal Autonomy5

        3.1 The Sense of Self-protection..5

    3.2 Capacity of Interaction with People6

    4. Main Female Characters’ Change in A Change in the Lighting and Red Rose and White Rose in Perspective of Communicative Speech Act.7

        4.1 Independence Obtained.7

    4.2 Confidence and Courage Obtained. 7 

        4.3 Yan Lost Confidence, Courage and Independence..8

    5. Conclusion.9


    1. Brief Introduction of Main Content

    1.1 The Australian Novel A Change in the Lighting by Amy Witting

        Amy Witting is the pen name of the Australian novelist and poet Joan Austral Fraster(26 January 1918 – 18 September 2001). She is the expert of fictions, most of which are full of special atmosphere. A Change in the Lighting is one of her famous novels. It mainly tells a story that how Ella Ferguson got independent in mind and gain powerful in spirit after her husband Professor Bernard Ferguson fell in love with another woman and abandoned Ella. 

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