
    The Effects of Computerized Concept Mapping on EFL Learners’ Writing Abstract Writing has always been a vital yet difficult part of English learning for EFL learners. Computerized concept mapping, applied as a pre-writing strategy, has the possibility to alleviate the existent writing problems of EFL learners. Therefore, this study is carried out with the aim to investigate the effects of computerized concept mapping as a pre-writing strategy on EFL learners’ writing performance. The research questions are : (1) What are the impacts of different computerized concept mapping treatments (no-mapping, inpidual-mapping, and collaborative mapping) on writing performance for learners of different writing proficiency (high-level, middle-level, and low-level)? (2) Does the quality of the computerized concept maps constructed cooperatively exceed the quality of those maps constructed inpidually? (3) Does the map quality correlate to learners’ writing performance? Eighteen non-English major students ,pided into three levels, compromised the participants and the experiment lasted for 6 weeks , when three mapping treatment is conducted with three writing assignments respectively. The writing scores as well as the map scores were collected and analyzed. It turned out that computerized concept mapping as a pre-writing strategy is effective for learners of all levels, yet they prefer different mapping treatments. There exists correlation between the map quality and learners’ writing performance.47227

    Keywords: Concept mapping; English as foreign language; writing proficiency level; writing performance


    摘  要对于外语学习者来说,写作一直是英语学习很重要但又困难的一个部分。电子概念图的制作,作为一种写前策略,也许能够帮助解决英语写作存在的困难。因此,本文作者开展了本次实验,探索电子概念图对于外语学习者的写作可能会产生哪些影响。本实验的研究问题有三个,分别是:1.不同的电子概念图制作方式(无图,独立制作,合作制作)对于不同写作水平的学习者分别有怎样的影响?2.合作制作的电子概念图是否优于独立制作的?3.电子概念图的优劣和写作成绩相关吗?此次实验的被试由18名非英语专业的学生组成,持续时间为6星期。在这6星期的时间里,所有被试分别被归入不同的水平,依次进行了无图写作,独立制作电子概念图再写作以及合作制作电子概念图再写作的实验阶段。实验中所有的作文成绩和概念图的成绩都被收集起来进行分析,最终得出的结论是电子概念图对于不同写作水平的学生来说都是一个有效的写前策略,但是不同水平的学生会更受益于其中某一种概念图制作方式,并且电子概念图的优劣和最终的写作成绩存在相关性。



    1. Introduction 1

    2. Literature review 3

    2.1 Concept 3

    2.1.1 Definition of concept map 3

    2.1.2 Definition of mind map 3

    2.1.3 Difference between concept map and mind map 3

    2.1.4 Theoretical basis for concept mapping 3

    2.1.5 Inpidual concept maps 5

    2.1.6 Cooperative concept maps 5

    2.2 English writing 6

    2.2.1 Requirements for non-English major students in college 6

    2.2.2 EFL writing problems

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