
    An Analysis on Chinese girl’s value and factors associated with the perspective of Charlotte in Pride and Prejudice Abstract From the late 20th century till now, there is no denying that our life can not be separated from material basis, so as marriage. Therefore, material basis becomes the most significant problem in marriage life. However, with the rapid economic development, females pay more attention to men property rather than his personality, So that females’ views of marriage walk into extreme.47236

    This paper is pided into three parts to analyze the balance between love and material basis in marital life, and establish right marital values.

    The first part focuses on the concepts about love, marriage and marital values, then briefly talks about the importance of love in marriage and Chinese girl’s marital values nowadays, then associates with the character Charlotte in the novel Pride and Prejudice. Finally it analyzes some factors affecting marital values.

    The second part is literary analyze of Pride and Prejudice character Charlotte view of marriage and real example in daily life. The first one is about the marital values that rely on substance. By contrast, another example which is about marital values that care more about love. The last is analyze females real need from Maslow's hierarchy of needs.

    The last part is the main idea of this paper, which is although material basis in the major condition in marriage life, love can also affect the quality of marriage. Meanwhile, the moment of passion can not maintain long-term relationship. So marriage is not entirely as the basis of material, it also need love as the prerequisite.

    The main idea of this essay is cultivate a healthy marital values among females. During the marriage life, economic plays the significant role, however, when females choosing their behalf, they care more about substance rather that personality. So this paper solves females extreme thoughts about marriage, and should train right opinion that economic is fundamental condition in marriage life, and also the most important factor in marriage, which is help the marriage stability. What is more, love is indispensable point in marriage life.

    Keywords: love, marriage, Pride and Prejudice, marital value


    摘  要从20世纪以来,毋庸置疑的一点是我们的生活离不开物质基础,更不用说在婚姻生活中了。因此,物质基础在婚姻中起到相当重要的作用。然而,随着社会与经济的发展,女性在选择婚姻伴侣时更多地关注另一半的财产而并不是性格,这种现象导致女性的婚姻观走向极端化。






    毕业论文关键词:爱情, 婚姻, 傲慢与偏见, 婚姻观

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